
The women of “Perfect Match 2” on whether it is possible to find true love on reality TV? (Interview)

The women of “Perfect Match 2” on whether it is possible to find true love on reality TV? (Interview)

The big picture

  • Reality TV stars from
    Perfect match
    discuss their experiences on the show, including the challenges of finding love while filming.
  • The stars explore the possibility of finding true love through a dating game and weigh strategy versus real commitment.
  • They talk about their reactions to the first season and their plans to participate in other reality TV shows with stars from previous seasons of popular shows such as
    Love is blind
    The circle.

Netflix’s reality dating game, Perfect matches The second season brought together 22 familiar faces from the streamer’s popular dating shows, including Love is blind, The challenge, Trust, keep your hands off the heat, Squid Game, and more. The rules of the game are as follows: Contestants arrive at a villa and must find their partner. Then the singles are paired up to take part in a series of compatibility challenges under the watchful eye of the host. Nick Lachey. The winning couple then has the opportunity to bring one or two fresh faces into the villa, This has the potential to cause chaos and great uncertainty for some participants.

Before the premiere of the second season, Netflix invited Collider to interview some of the candidates in a $58 million mansion in Bel Air. Collider chatted with some of the streamer’s favorites: Micha Lussier, 28, (Love is blind Season 4), Jessica Vestal (love is Blind Season 6),Tolu Ekundare(The trust) and Xanthi Perdikomatis (The Circle Season 5). The reality stars answered honestly what it was like to look for love in front of the cameras and whether it is possible to find love on a dating game.

The stars of “Perfect Match” reveal their biggest challenges

Collider: What was it like being on the show? What was the biggest challenge?

Micah: It was hot as hell. I was sweating, you can see it in the show, I had no makeup left on my face.

Tolu: I think I’m the only one who loved the heat. It was great, I thrived.

Jess: Being out there in the elements, being out in the jungle, hot and sweaty, it was just too much.

Xanthi: I think meeting all those people at once and just being like speed dating was a challenge in itself. You know what I mean. Just meeting people and then going out with them and then trying to build relationships, it just happened really quickly, so the time in itself was challenging.

Tolu: I would say you just have to navigate like you’re in a microcosm when you’re in the house. So in the real world there are 8 billion people to choose from, but in the house there are five. So just choose between the five that seem the least bad? No, you don’t roll that dice. Yeah, just choose between the houses.

Collider: For you, Tolu, it was different because you had never been on a dating show before, right?

Tolu: Exactly. It was so weird because I never thought I would ever be on a dating show in my life.e, and anyone who knows me in real life knows that, especially when it comes to romantic relationships, I’m very much to myself. Nobody knows what I’m like in romantic relationships except my partner. That’s all. So I got on this dating show and I was like, oh, you know, I’m going to open up, I’m going to be a lover’s girl. It’s not going to be like ‘The Trust,’ I’m going to let my walls down, because on The Trust I had them way up. This time I just wanted to be more vulnerable and I learned why I put my walls up.

Collider: Can you find love on a reality show?

Xanthi: Yes, I think that is possible. It’s about people’s intentionsyou know. I would say it’s harder to find love on reality TV just because of all the cameras and all the attention that we all get sometimes, but it’s definitely possible.

Jess: We’ve seen this before. I mean, look at Love is blind, It is a true testament not only to relationships but to real marriages.

Tolu: Lauren and Cameron, for example, were literally in my head when I entered Perfect match. If Lauren and Cameron can find that kind of love on a reality show, nothing is impossible. Maybe I’ll be a Lauren.

Did the women of “Perfect Match 2” have a strategy?

“Perfect Match,” season 2 by Elys Hutchinson on Netflix.
Image via Netflix

Collider: When you started out, did you think about strategy or finding love?

Xanthi: I think many girls were more open to finding love.

Micah:I thought the whole prize was to find the perfect pair. So I don’t understand, strategy for what? What are we trying to win here? We don’t get a bag, I don’t understand the strategy part at all. What are we trying to win here?

Collider: Did you know anyone from the show before?

Xanthi: Many of us didn’t know each other. I’d say it was 50:50.

Collider: How uncomfortable did you feel during some of the games, like the kissing challenge?

Micah: That was the worst experience of my life.

Collider: Xanthi, you covered your mouth…

Xanthi: I think the most unpleasant part was the kiss challenge for me. Like I said, I’m very traditional when it comes to dating and intimacy is something very spiritual for me. So if I don’t have that connection with you in my head and my heart, it’s very hard for me to get physical with you, even in real life. I wouldn’t go around kissing seven or five guys at once, so I just wasn’t really ready to do that just for the cameras. I wanted to stay true to myself and if my counterpart accepted that – great, if not, they didn’t accept me.

Collider: Tolu, you actually looked very relaxed.

Tolu: I looked relaxed?”

Collider: Tolu, you are a good actress.

Tolu: Yeah, that’s what I mean. I said, you know what, you can’t let them see you sweat. So I was already out of my comfort zone, already out of my element because I was on a dating show, and then they said, surprise! Kiss anyone. And mind you, in four years I only kissed one guy.

Micah: They had a sexy song playing (on the headphones) and I had “Cucaracha” playing on mine, my friend had no reception so it was either that or the sounds of rain.

Collider: Have you seen the first season?

Tolu: “It was so funny. I saw the first season when I was packing up and going to The Trust. I watched when the season came out and I thought, oh my god, this is so cool, and I didn’t even know…”

Xanthi: “You watched?

Tolu: Yeah. It was good. It was cool, they literally brought all the fan favorites on the show and they dated each other. I was like, oh my god, I know her and I know him, I know her…

Jess: I had no idea they were reaching out to people like this. I thought to myself: Why am I even here? My show wasn’t out yet.

Xanthi: You have chosen a very colorful and diverse cast.

Tolu: Very spicy. I thought we had adapted the sauce to the season. We adapted the taste to honey.

Xanthi: We brought the complete menu with us.

Collider: Will you be on another dating show?

All: NO.

Xanthosi: After Perfect matchno more dating shows.

Tolu: Give me a show where you can win a large sum of money like the Trust, I will do it again.

Collider: I want to hear from you too. What kind of show would you like to appear on?

Jessica: Something inside. I would never do anything… I mean, for me it was more like Survivors. I’m just not a girl who likes being outdoors. That wasn’t my trip.

Micah: I don’t know, maybe I’ll disappear from the screen.

Jessica: We’re sending Micha into retirement. I hope you liked her, she’s not coming back.

Xanthosi: Dating is hard and I think sometimes, depending on your experience, you honestly have to decide if you want to do it again. But I would definitely do a competition show again. I love competition but finding love on TV is not for me.

Collider: How quickly did you forget the cameras were rolling after you entered the house?

Jessica: After a while, yes.

Xanthi: After a while you forget about the cameras.

Tolu: After about two days the cameras feel like trees.

Xanthi: Besides, you don’t care. At this point, we’re here, so catch what you can, baby.

Micah: You definitely don’t care.

“Perfect Match” is available to stream on Netflix.

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