
Addressing mental health in Palestine

Addressing mental health in Palestine

The impact of the war on teachers, students and their communities in Palestine is reaching catastrophic proportions. Education International continues to support its members with direct support from affiliates around the world as they face the uncertainty and trauma of a devastating war.

According to the latest reports from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), more than 34,900 people have died in Gaza since Israel began bombing and ground attacks in response to the deadly Hamas attack on October 7. The figures include 7,797 children killed and 4,959 women killed, of whom more than 10,000 have yet to be identified. In addition, approximately 96 percent of Gaza’s population (2.15 million people) is suffering from acute food shortages and 22 percent are on the verge of starvation.

Due to the numerous donations that Education International has received for its initiatives for Palestinian teachers, the Institute has transferred additional funds to its member organizations in Palestine to develop tools and training on teacher mental health during the ongoing war.

Launched in January, the Teachers Empowerment initiative provides social-emotional support to teachers and students in the West Bank, as well as direct support to teachers in Gaza and the West Bank. In Phase 2 of the program, approximately 80 teachers were trained to develop and integrate social-emotional activities into their curriculum, significantly improving their skills. Led by the General Union of Palestinian Teachers (GUPT), this phase also included a collaboration with the Palestine Early Childhood Education Union (GUWKPS), which trained approximately 20 educators in private schools and kindergartens.

The trauma of war

The initiative is necessary because the ongoing conflict is having a devastating impact on Palestinian teachers and students. The war has also caused severe psychological trauma and many people are anxious, tense and depressed.

Since October 7, 2023, the education system in Gaza and the West Bank has been subjected to relentless attacks. Hundreds of thousands of children have been deprived of their right to education, tens of thousands of teachers have lost their jobs, and hundreds of schools in the Gaza Strip have been partially or completely destroyed. The death toll among students and teachers continues to rise daily, while Israeli forces bomb the area and block humanitarian aid.

Teachers in Gaza and the West Bank have not been paid since October 2023. Wages were withheld because Israeli authorities stopped paying tax revenues to the occupied Palestinian territory. Despite the terrible conditions, teachers continue to attend and care for their students.

In June, EI member organizations in Palestine began teaching skills in social-emotional learning. This training is critical for developing teachers’ competencies in well-being, including self-management, self-awareness, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. Providing psychological support is critical for improving the educational environment, which is essential for students’ well-being and interest in their academic careers.

The long-term goal of the Teachers Empowerment Initiative, led by GUPT, is to help thousands of students and teachers in Palestine by alleviating the effects of trauma, restoring mental wellbeing and building resilience. The program aims to build a network of trained facilitators to expand its impact.

In addition, the initiative aims to help raise awareness of mental health in Palestinian society and especially in the Ministry of Education.

Solidarity of global unions

From 28 to 30 May 2024, the leaders of the Global Union Federations (GUFs) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) travelled to Ramallah, Palestine, to express their solidarity with trade unions and workers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

In collaboration with their Palestinian affiliates and others, the GUFs committed to intensifying their efforts to help local unions navigate these difficult times for workers and play their role as key agents of change in Palestine.

The delegation expressed its deep concern about the serious humanitarian crisis facing the people of Gaza and renewed the global trade union movement’s call for peace, equality and justice. The delegation stated: “Trade unions are part of the global peace movement. We stand for peace and for such important values ​​as democracy and humanity. That is why we are here.”

Education International continues to campaign for an end to the war between Israel and Hamas, the release of all hostages and an end to the indiscriminate violence.