
Matthiessen State Park is home to the Deer Park RC Flyers Club – Shaw Local

Matthiessen State Park is home to the Deer Park RC Flyers Club – Shaw Local

If you’re walking through the sunflower field at Matthiessen State Park and hear a buzzing noise, it may not be a bee.

The Deer Park RC Flyers Club has been flying model airplanes at the model airplane field in Matthiessen State Park since the mid-1970s. Bill Alleman, a club member, has been flying model airplanes since he was 10 years old.

“The field is owned by the state but is maintained by the club,” said Alleman.

The club’s maintenance crew members are Bernie Kane and Jake Krancic. Both men work voluntarily to mow, trim grass and do other work on the grounds as part of an agreement with the state to take care of the area. The aviators can be seen in the park daily when weather conditions are favorable. Mornings seem to be a better window of time to see the planes and other flying equipment as the winds are usually calmer.

Krancic volunteers at the Starved Rock Visitor Center and is an RC member.

“We are always open to new members,” said Krancic.

The association asks visitors to the sunflowers next door not to drive through the model airplane field. This poses a safety risk when flying the airplanes, as the remote pilot cannot be distracted.

The area is an open field, but visitors must be members of the American Model Association to fly there. You can contact the club via email at [email protected] if you are interested or have any questions.