
How retrograde Neptune affects the love horoscope for each zodiac sign on July 3, 2024

How retrograde Neptune affects the love horoscope for each zodiac sign on July 3, 2024

With Neptune retrograde in Pisces, love horoscopes for July 3, 2024 show that you simply have to see the truth. Your only job is not to look away, no matter how shocking or blatant it may be.

Love itself serves as a filter for relationships. While you should think the best of your partner and your relationship, love also comes with a cautionary tale, because it encourages you to see what is real and not what you imagine or fantasize about. By accepting the truth, you can gain more confidence and detach yourself from any fantasy that describes these connections that often only exist in your own head.

Instead, give yourself time to recognize the reality of your relationship or even your choices so that you can be sure that the connection you are building is truly genuine.

The love horoscope of each zodiac sign for July 3, 2024, at the beginning of the retrograde phase of Neptune:


Try to understand that it’s not just love that creates this filter, but also your wounds, Aries. Even if you have faith in this connection and know it’s what you want, that doesn’t mean you still see it clearly. Take some time to listen within yourself and see how the wounds or even the baggage you carry around are negatively affecting your connection so you can move forward with the truth as your best self.


You might hear a little unwanted gossip from a friend today, Taurus. As much as you may try to dismiss it at first, there will be something in it that just rings true to you. Try not to let fear of change dictate your actions at this moment, because after all, you have your own assumptions about what’s going on. Instead, investigate this information as best you can and then share it with your partner to see how they respond. And remember, defensive behavior is often an admission, too.


It can feel like your world has been turned upside down, Gemini. What you thought was real just isn’t, and you feel like you don’t know how to handle this new truth. The reality is that it’s always been this way, and just because you’ve tried to convince yourself otherwise doesn’t mean it’s true. If you really want to save your relationship, it’s time to be as transparent as possible and be upfront about what you want. That’s it, just see where this connection goes.


There are always those reality checks on your journey to create something new, Cancer. That doesn’t mean it’s a setback or that you’re on the wrong path. But you need to make sure you see things clearly. You might encounter an unexpected obstacle today, but instead of letting it crush your dreams, try to see what it reveals to you. And remember, you don’t have to figure this out alone; you can rely on your partner for help.


It can be tough when you thought you were building that deep, deep connection, only to find that the other person may not have had the most honest intentions. Remember, you are not responsible for anyone else’s motives or even decisions – only your own. So what do you want to do now that you see the truth? Make sure you don’t let yourself be manipulated or manipulated today, and instead trust your own instincts about what to do with this new information.


You can do everything right, Virgo, but that doesn’t mean love will go according to plan. Because in a relationship, there are always two variables: you and your partner. While you can make sure you’re on track with planning and putting your best foot forward, you actually have no control over your partner’s decisions. Try to lean into where you feel you don’t have control and make space for your partner to show you who they really are.


There are always divine tests on your journey to putting yourself first and setting healthy boundaries, Libra. You may have been pretty positive about your past behavior, but this recent development has you wondering if you are actually still falling into old behavioral patterns. Be gentle with yourself and remember that you are not only deciding how you are treated, but also what kind of relationship you will accept.


It’s time to become a little more ruthless, Scorpio. When you focus on yourself with such conviction, you actually wonder if you’re being selfish. For someone who has put the feelings and well-being of others above their own for as long as you have, putting yourself first will feel selfish, at least at first. But the love, devotion, life, and even happiness you desire all depend on it. If someone isn’t contributing, it’s time to get rid of them.


Maybe it’s felt like everything was going well on its own, Sagittarius. But if certain decisions were made behind the scenes, you can also expect them to come to light at some point. Whether it’s your actions or those of your partner, today seems to bring a moment of enlightenment that allows you to see the truth of the situation. Don’t try to avoid what you’re meant to see or even run away from it, because after all, your only desire is to get what you really want.


To continue to build the relationship and life of your dreams, you need to be hopeful, Capricorn. But when it seems like hope is lost, it can be hard to be very positive about anything. You may find it hard to feel like you’re on the right path or even that everything is turning out the way you imagined. But this is just a moment to see what you’re really made of, and if you can rise to the challenge and trust that as long as you keep trying your best, that’s exactly what you’ll get, you know in your heart.


It might help to think about what you need from your partner to feel truly valued, dear Aquarius. While feeling valued can include acceptance, encouragement, and inclusion in future plans, you may need something specific from your partner to feel more secure in this relationship. Try to figure out what you need before you take it out on your partner, as you may be feeling more frustrated than usual right now.


As a romantic of the zodiac, dear Pisces, you find it difficult to realize that love is more than just a dream. It requires action, responsibility and commitment – even for relationships that are meant to be. Don’t be discouraged if you realize that you need to do more or take the initiative more often in your relationship. You didn’t mean to cross any boundaries, but you also need to be clear about your intentions and feelings to your partner.

Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologer, intuitive relationship and life coach and curator of tailor-made retreats.