
EU and partners visit renewable energy sites north of Jericho and raise concerns about Israeli settlement expansion

EU and partners visit renewable energy sites north of Jericho and raise concerns about Israeli settlement expansion

Heads of Mission and representatives of the European Union and like-minded countries participated in a site visit together with the Palestinian Energy and Mineral Resources Authority (PENRA). To Renewable energy sites in Al-Auja and al-Nuway’imah near Jericho. Diplomats were briefed on Palestinian energy initiatives and plans in Area C, which face ongoing illegal Israeli settlement expansion.

The delegation visited sites where the Palestinian Authority plans to build three solar parks. The visit highlighted the economic opportunities and significant potential for expanding sustainable energy production for Palestinian communities across the West Bank, and stressed the urgent need for Palestinian access to land in Area C. PENRA representatives briefed diplomats on the numerous challenges, including difficulties in obtaining Israeli permits, settler violence, land acquisition issues, and settlement expansion, all of which pose significant obstacles to Palestinians achieving their renewable and green energy goals.

During the tour, the delegation also learned about recent developments in Israeli settlement infrastructure, particularly renewable energy sites in the Jordan Valley. They visited the proposed site for Israel’s Na’ama South project, which is planned The largest Israeli solar park in the region is to be built on over 3,200 dunams of land in Area C of the occupied Palestinian territory. In this context, the EU and its partners reiterated their strong opposition to Israel’s settlement policy and activities and reject all measures that undermine the viability of a two-state solution. The EU considers settlements to be illegal under international law and an obstacle to peace and calls for an end to settlement expansion and legalization, including in the field of renewable energy.

“Area C in the occupied Palestinian territory holds enormous potential for the development of solar and green energy, which is crucial for the economic and environmental sustainability of Palestinian communities. The EU remains committed to supporting Palestinian renewable and sustainable energy projects in Area C, in line with its overall objective of establishing an independent, democratic, contiguous, sovereign and viable Palestinian State,” said European Union representative Alexandre Stutzmann.