
No action, no answers after Louisville City Council special meeting on city manager – BizWest

No action, no answers after Louisville City Council special meeting on city manager – BizWest

LOUISVILLE – After meeting for more than an hour in closed session Monday evening to discuss Personnel matter involving the City Manager of Louisville No official action has been taken against Jeff Durbin or members of the Louisville City Council, nor has there been any comment as to why he is being investigated by officials.

Monday’s special meeting came after the Louisville City Council held an emergency meeting on June 19, during which there was another nearly three-hour board meeting on the city manager issue. After that meeting, the board unanimously approved an investigation into Durbin, but no details were provided.

Another special board meeting on the same personnel matter was held on June 25. The only action taken after that meeting was to schedule the special meeting for Monday.


Rachel Berg

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In attendance at this week’s closed meeting were City Council members, Louisville City Attorney Kathleen Kelly and attorney Marilee Langhoff, who Mayor Chris Let calls a “special counsel.”

Attorney Marni Kloster, also known as special counsel, attended the June 19 board meeting.

Durbin has had an out-of-office email since June 19, stating he is “temporarily unavailable” and directing correspondence to Louisville Deputy City Manager Samma Fox.

BizWest has repeatedly asked Louisville authorities and staff for information about the purpose and nature of the investigation and how long it is expected to take.

“This is a personnel matter that I cannot comment on at this time, but if and when the city is able to comment, we will do so,” a Louisville spokesperson said in an email after the June 19 meeting.

In response to an emailed question last month about who was responsible for the day-to-day operations of Louisville City Council, the city said that “Deputy City Manager Samma Fox is temporarily serving as our acting City Manager.”

The city, whose officials did not respond to a request for comment Tuesday, has not said whether Durbin has been officially suspended or whether the suspension is with or without pay.