
Usage trends for Alexa, Siri and Google’s interactive voice assistants: Report published

Usage trends for Alexa, Siri and Google’s interactive voice assistants: Report published


Published July 2, 2024

Usage trends for Alexa, Siri and Google’s interactive voice assistants: Report published

For its new report, Voices surveyed 1,000 Americans to find out what voice assistant technologies they use, how often they use them, and for what tasks. They also asked respondents what challenges they face when using interactive voice technologies and how those obstacles might be overcome in the future.

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Voice assistants, which Voices defines as “digital tools designed to understand and respond to users’ spoken commands,” rose to prominence in the early to mid-2010s with the introduction of Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant. Since then, they have grown increasingly popular: 81% of survey respondents said they use them at least once a day.

“Voice assistants are widely used in the United States,” a Voices spokesperson explained. “They are integrated into our everyday technological devices: If you own a smartphone, a Windows PC or Mac computer, or a car with a modern infotainment system, you probably have a voice assistant at your fingertips.”

Voices explains that the primary purpose of most voice assistants is to provide users with a hands-free home experience, so they are programmed to perform a wide range of manual tasks including information retrieval, communication initiation, media and entertainment management, control of smart home devices, and navigation assistance, among others.

However, despite advances in voice assistant technology, many users still encounter challenges. For example, the report found that 60% of respondents had problems with their voice assistants misunderstanding instructions. In addition, 36% feel that their privacy and security are at risk when using a voice assistant.

To address these challenges and increase usage, respondents suggested that the technology companies behind virtual assistants should invest in customization options, better language and understanding models, and improved security measures.

“In the past year alone, technology companies have raced hard to develop the best, smartest and most useful chatbots,” the spokesperson said. “Smarter voice assistants that offer a more natural and human experience could dramatically change the way they are used and fuel their growth during the generative AI boom.”

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