
The couple gets engaged at Braum’s, the place where their love story began

The couple gets engaged at Braum’s, the place where their love story began

A trip to Braum’s turned into an unforgettable experience when a couple proposed at the ice cream parlor on 6th Street in Stillwater.

The couple, Brooklyn Rackley and Dustin Blott, got engaged at the ice cream parlor and recently had their engagement photos taken there.

“We still go to Braum’s on a regular basis, more than once a week, for dates,” Brooklyn Rackley said. “Dustin had actually asked me to be his girlfriend at Braum’s about five years ago, and I said no, so he thought the idea of ​​proposing to me at Braum’s would be special.”

Blott took Rackley to the Braums’ home, where their relationship began, and proposed to her with the building in the background.

When asked about their upcoming wedding, Rackley said they were open to all options, such as eloping or staying in town for the ceremony.

Blott is currently working on his MBA and Rackley is looking to settle in the nursing industry closer to home.

It is still unclear whether Braum’s will be catering the wedding, but the couple insists that there will be ice cream at the wedding.

Rackley’s favorite order at Braum’s is a two-scoop waffle with chocolate, almonds, and black walnuts. Blott’s favorite order is a cappuccino chocolate chip waffle with cookie dough.

The photographer who took the engagement photos was Melissa Taylor.

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