
Call to Action: Ensure Fair Elections in Mississippi

Call to Action: Ensure Fair Elections in Mississippi

On November 7, 2023, ballot shortages in Hinds County, Mississippi, underscored the urgent need for comprehensive election reform. The Hinds County Election Commission’s admission that “human error” and ballot order confusion were the culprits behind this fiasco highlighted systemic vulnerabilities that could undermine the integrity of future elections. With the 2024 election looming, Mississippi lawmakers needed to take proactive steps to prevent such incidents from happening again and strengthen the state’s election processes.

Mississippi’s history of voter suppression is well-documented, and past events have reignited doubts about the state’s commitment to ensuring free and fair elections. The 2023 ballot shortage, which affected at least nine precincts, was due to administrative errors and inadequate training of election commissioners. These deficiencies disenfranchised voters and sparked nationwide outrage and legal interventions to keep polling places open longer on Election Day. This incident was a stark reminder that more must be done to protect the right of all Mississippians to vote.

The state’s election system needs immediate overhaul and reform. A critical starting point is comprehensive retraining of election commissioners. The Election Commission Association of Mississippi’s current annual training is inadequate. As Commissioner RaToya Gilmer McGee pointed out, the lack of consistent training and updated policies means that all institutional knowledge is lost with the outgoing commissioners. Training needs to be more frequent, detailed and standardized in all 82 counties across the state to ensure that all commissioners are well equipped to perform their duties.

In addition, the process of ordering and distributing ballots needs to be overhauled. The use of outdated systems and reliance on manual corrections during times of crisis reveal significant operational gaps. Implementing a robust, automated ballot ordering and distribution system—with real-time monitoring and error-checking capabilities—can help prevent the errors that led to the shortages in 2023. This system should be coupled with a contingency plan for rapid ballot printing and distribution to meet unexpected demands on Election Day.

Black man throws vote into ballot box
“The integrity of our elections and our citizens’ trust in the democratic process depend on the implementation of necessary reforms,” ​​Malone writes. Photo by Unsplash/Getty Images

Transparency and accountability are also paramount. The lack of communication between the Hinds County Election Commission and the Mississippi Secretary of State’s office during the ballot shortage is unacceptable. Secretary of State Michael Watson’s delayed response and minimal cooperation from local election officials made the situation worse. To build trust and ensure prompt resolution of election issues, there must be clear, established lines of communication and accountability between state and county election officials. Regular audits and public reporting of election preparations and results should be mandated to ensure transparency and build public confidence.

In addition to these administrative reforms, it is imperative to address broader systemic issues that have long plagued Mississippi’s electoral landscape. Voter suppression tactics such as strict voter ID laws, voter roll purging, and limited access to early and absentee voting continue to disenfranchise marginalized populations. Lawmakers must work to break down these barriers and create an inclusive voting environment. This includes expanding early voting opportunities, ensuring sufficient polling places in all communities, and implementing same-day voter registration to enable broader participation in the democratic process.

With the 2024 election approaching, the need for action in Mississippi is clear. Lawmakers, election officials, and community leaders must work together to implement these necessary reforms. The integrity of our elections and our citizens’ trust in the democratic process depend on it. If we do not take action, the cycle of disenfranchisement and distrust will not only continue. It will undermine the foundations of our democracy.

Mississippi can set an example for the nation by prioritizing election integrity and voter rights. By addressing the issues that led to the ballot shortages in 2023 and taking proactive steps to ensure fair and accessible elections, we can restore trust in our election system and uphold the democratic values ​​that are the foundation of our society. Now is the time to act, and we have a responsibility to ensure that every Mississippian’s voice is heard and that every vote is counted. We must remember that Medgar Evers gave his life for our right to vote, and we must honor his legacy by protecting this fundamental right.

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