
Balancing innovation with value, cost and practicality: The CIO’s guide to future-proofing technology investments

Balancing innovation with value, cost and practicality: The CIO’s guide to future-proofing technology investments

Imagine having to navigate a rapidly changing landscape where technology seems to be evolving at the speed of light and the pressure to keep up is relentless – this is the reality for today’s CIO. CIOs face the daunting challenge of driving innovation while managing costs and ensuring practical implementation in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. Future-proofing technology investments has become essential for organizations looking to maintain their competitive advantage. This article presents key strategies for CIOs to find the optimal balance between innovation, value, cost and practicality when making technology investments.

Make yourself future-proof

Eighty-three percent of IT leaders and 88 percent of LOB leaders expect full-year 2024 spending to be higher or in line with original 2024 budgets despite inflation and potential recession concerns, according to the IDC study. Survey on the future resilience and spending situation of companies, wave 3 (March 2024). This underlines the need for a structured approach to future-proof technology investments in difficult economic times.

To be future-proof, new possibilities must be aligned with the optimization of existing solutions. Survey on the future resilience and spending situation of companies, wave 4 (April 2024) shows that companies will take a mix of actions to fund new investments in generative AI, including increasing IT budgets (53%), shifting budgets from digital transformation (30%), from infrastructure modernization (25%), and from application modernization (14%). Future-proofing ensures that companies adapt to market changes while maximizing their resources.

Master the Quartet: Balancing Innovation, Value, Cost and Practicality

A leading bank launched a cloud transformation in 2021, focusing on innovation by moving critical operations to the cloud to enable AI-driven services. In terms of value, this move was expected to improve customer service, mitigate risk, and increase efficiency, bringing significant benefits to stakeholders. To control costs, the bank chose a hybrid cloud model that optimized spending and data control. For practical reasons, the bank addressed the challenges of data migration and compliance by partnering with secure cloud providers and developing a detailed strategy for a smooth transition that integrated with existing infrastructure without disrupting operations. This example shows how this balancing act can overcome the trade-offs and create synergies.

Create understanding by asking the right questions

The following figure summarizes the most typical questions that help to create an overall picture of the challenge.


IDC, 2024

However, CIOs need to examine each dimension of this quartet in more detail.

Increase your competitive advantage through strategic innovations

Innovation is critical to transforming business models using new technologies and can be achieved by fostering a discipline of pragmatic exploration in line with real-world business constraints.

Deliver tangible business results: The value proposition

The value represents the benefits that future-proofing activities will bring to the business, taking into account current and projected economic health, revenue and expected business results. It is critical to ensure that these activities align with the company’s overall technology strategy and accelerate plans, rather than conflict with them.

Evaluate the real cost: Look beyond the price tag

Costs include not only the initial investment, but the total expenditure over the entire life cycle of a technology. This includes direct costs such as purchase price and licensing fees, as well as direct costs such as training, maintenance and opportunity costs associated with transition periods.

Ensure practicality: Evaluate real-world feasibility

Practicality is the feasibility of applying a solution effectively and efficiently in an operational environment. A practical solution offers clear added value, is user-friendly, integrates easily with existing systems and does not require disproportionate resources for deployment and maintenance.

It is particularly difficult to reconcile innovation and practicality. A superior solution does not guarantee acceptance by companies. The adoption of a technology depends on timing and maturity. While innovation is crucial, it should also be practical. For example, Netflix’s algorithm competition in 2009 was successful with a prize of $1 million, but the algorithm was not used due to integration problems and changes to the business model.

When assessing the practicality of a technology investment, CIOs must consider several factors:

  • Technical feasibility
  • Availability of implementation resources
  • Ability of staff
  • Degree of disturbance
  • Legal, regulatory and compliance considerations
  • Leadership sponsorship

Implement these strategies for effective future-proofing

  • Form cross-functional teams for comprehensive decision making. Successful future-proofing requires collaboration across the organization. CIOs should assemble teams that combine expertise from IT, business units and finance to ensure informed decision-making.
  • Start proof-of-concept pilot projects to minimize risk. Test high-priority use cases in proof-of-concept pilots before full deployment. This approach allows you to learn and adapt with minimal risk.
  • Prioritize flexibility and integration for long-term success. Invest in modular, interoperable solutions that can be easily adapted and extended as requirements change. This strategy helps you avoid technical debt and ensures that new technologies integrate seamlessly with existing systems.
  • Carry out the implementation step by step. Start small, learn from initial implementations, and adapt based on results. This phased approach allows for course corrections and minimizes the impact of potential setbacks.
  • Continuously monitor and balance your technology portfolio. Regularly review your technology portfolio. Track both the current and projected impact of investments on business results. Be prepared to change priorities to ensure optimal performance.
  • Consistently optimize your technology portfolio. Often overlooked, reducing the technology portfolio is critical to maintaining an agile and resilient organization. High-performing organizations continually strive to reduce system complexity, freeing up resources for new initiatives. By simplifying their technology landscape, they can innovate faster, more cost-effectively, and more frequently.
  • Foster a culture of pragmatic innovation. CIOs must foster a culture that balances innovation and pragmatism. This includes:
  • Promote measured exploration in line with business realities
  • Experiment insatiably, but validate tirelessly
  • Introducing an agile, data-driven operating model
  • Consistently optimize and simplify the technology portfolio

Take action: Future-proof your technology investments now

Future-proofing technology investments is an ongoing process that requires continuous evaluation and adaptation. This approach enables CIOs to drive sustainable business growth through technology transformation while optimizing value, mitigating risk and managing costs. As stewards of the technology strategy, CIOs must create adaptable, resilient IT portfolios that drive business value.

By institutionalizing future-proofing as a core organizational capability, CIOs can ensure that their technology investments deliver lasting value, drive innovation, and contribute to the company’s competitive advantage. It’s time to act: implement these strategies to put your organization at the forefront of innovation and be ready to seize new opportunities.

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Learn more about future-proofing technology investments in this report from IDC:
IDC PlanScape: Future-proofing technology investments to balance innovation with cost, value and practicality.

Serge Findling is a senior IT and business executive, and CIO, CEO, and C-suite advisor. As an adjunct research advisor and former vice president of research for IDC’s IT Executive Programs (IEP) and the CIO and Technology Professionals Agenda program, Serge focuses on leading digital transformation for business and technology leaders. He also helps organizations succeed in today’s digital landscape with AI, data excellence, and strategic architecture. He is a frequent speaker, presenter, and moderator at industry conferences and provides analysis for multiple media outlets.