
What’s the deal with Paris Hilton’s voice change?

What’s the deal with Paris Hilton’s voice change?

From casual to business in record time.

Callie (Carlos) Cadorniga - Author
Paris Hilton at a hearing in the US Congress in June 2024
Source: Getty Images

CW: Mention of abuse

When films like Naturally blond We’ve learned nothing, but the way you present yourself in public should not be an indicator of your knowledge or professionalism. It should go without saying not to judge a book by its cover. Superficial assumptions can only tell us so much about a person’s experience. The same is especially true in professional situations, where the way people speak can change drastically from one employee to the next.

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In fact, you may be surprised that even one of the most famous and bubbly personalities of our generation seems to have mastered the art of business code-switching. Paris Hilton has been a professional “It Girl” since the late 1990s. One of the most notorious examples of the “being famous while being famous” stress, many have accused her of embodying the “dumb blonde” female stereotype. However, Paris Hilton’s voice change during a congressional hearing caught everyone’s attention.

Paris Hilton
Source: Getty Images

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Paris Hilton’s voice went from casual to professional in an instant.

In late June 2024, Paris appeared at a U.S. Congressional hearing where she spoke about the importance of increasing funding for teen mental health care.

At one point in the hearing, she spoke in her traditional soft “baby voice” that she has used to build her celebrity persona over several years, during which time she simply talked about a U.S. congressman’s sparkly jacket and how much she liked the style.

Less than a second later, however, she seamlessly switched to a much deeper and more “professional-sounding” tone as she spoke about the seriousness of child protection. She went on to advocate for “access to therapeutic counseling, mentoring and other community-based programs” across the country.

The voice break shocked the internet and many called the star “iconic” because he was able to slip into the professional role so effortlessly.

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One Instagram user called this phenomenon “dissociative voice change,” a response to trauma in which a person’s voice can change drastically in different social situations. Others also praised her for defying the stereotypes that surround her celebrity status when tackling more serious topics.

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While the voice change itself surprised many, Paris Hilton’s move to professionalism is not all that surprising. With the premiere of the 2020 YouTube Originals documentary This is Paris, The celebrity spoke remarkably openly about her experiences with emotional, verbal and physical abuse during her years at boarding school.

While she still appears in reality shows and advertising campaigns for major brands and continues to make a fortune as one of the world’s first influencers, she has become a well-known advocate for mental health and counseling.

Of course, it has also launched controversial NFT collections in the past. Apparently nobody is perfect.