
Norman Rothery: The latest portfolios for dividend and value investors

Norman Rothery: The latest portfolios for dividend and value investors

I am pleased to provide updates on my popular portfolios below. The portfolios are all based on stock screens of varying complexity, which are described in detail in separate articles.

I hope to update the portfolios every two to four weeks, taking into account life’s unusual seasons – and the occasional vacation.

Canadian Portfolios

US portfolios


  • Data from Bloomberg as of June 24, 2024.
  • Norm is interested in some of the stocks shown.
  • Yield = stated dividend yield, Volatility = annualized volatility over the last 260 days, P/E = price-to-earnings ratio over the last four quarters, P/CF = price-to-cash flow ratio over the last four quarters, P/B = price-to-book ratio, Six (or twelve) month return = total return over the last six (or twelve) months including reinvested dividends, EV = enterprise value, EBIT = earnings before interest and taxes over the last four quarters, FCF = free cash flow, Market cap = market capitalization in millions of dollars, US portfolios are shown in US dollars.

A common precaution

Use our portfolios and stock screens as a starting point for further research. Enhance your understanding of each company by studying it and its industry in more detail. Confirm the data contained herein before using it.

Be cautious with stocks that are rarely traded or have very low prices, as they may be difficult to buy or sell cost-effectively.

Before jumping into the market, it’s important to be aware of the built-in limitations of quantitative methods like ours. For example, less tangible factors like the quality of a company’s management can sometimes help – or hinder – a company.

And while we hope our portfolios will produce similar returns to those in the backtests, the market is not that predictable. Even under the best of circumstances, we expect bumpy results and some individual stocks will disappoint. In fact, we would be happy to see the portfolios outperform the market over the course of a few decades.

Norman Rothery, PhD, CFA, is the founder of

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