
Artlist lets you add high-quality AI voice-overs to your videos

Artlist lets you add high-quality AI voice-overs to your videos

Often, we are not just concerned with getting our foot in the door, but we are also constantly fighting to stay in the country. Let me start by saying that I appreciate our resilience and that good things will come from it. This is not an easy industry to break into and it is definitely not the most forgiving towards immigrants. There are many reasons to be discouraged, but many more that are extremely encouraging. We keep them in mind as we pave our way to a fresh start. And slowly but surely, we are finding work.

I feel like I’ve made some progress professionally recently. And anyone who has moved to another country or continent or zip code like I have can still access the lessons I learned about getting started for free. It’s not a pretty method, it’s actually pretty poor.

But it works:

Step 1: Play the numbers game

Message everyone. Use every social media outlet available. Find your favorite movie, music video, or short film. Now go to the credits and find everyone who worked on it. Message them all and ask (respectfully) if they have time to talk. Now find their other projects and then contact everyone on those projects. From there, you will be led to other projects, so message everyone who works on those projects as well. I would message 50 people a day. Of those 50, 15 would read my message. Of those 15, five would respond. Of those five, three would call. And of those three, maybe one person will invite you to shoot at some point in the future.

Step 2: No job is too big or too small

Just walk onto a set and you’ll be good to go. Don’t be embarrassed if you have to go back to being a PA. You have to pay the bills and there’s nothing wrong with that. Introduce yourself as the person you want to be, no matter the size of your role. For example, I’m a writer and producer. And I say, ‘Hey. I’m Sneha. I’m a writer and producer, but today I’m working as a PA.’ ​​Crews reward smart collaborators by working with them more and more. The more crews you have, the more filmmakers you meet.

Step 3: Everyone loves a learner

Once you’re on set, you’ll either be exceptional or replaceable. Everyone knows you can’t become exceptional overnight unless you’re a prodigy – but filmmakers are happy to invest in the potential you have. Learn and ask for the space and grace to learn. People forgive mistakes as long as they know you want to grow. Talk to all departments and study them. Most people are happy to teach you and are also very patient as long as you’re eager and dedicated to learning. Gather knowledge that will help you advance your career. And then keep going.

Sneha Mendes

Step 4: Make your intentions clear

You have big dreams and so do I. The beauty of film is that we are a community and we need each other to make things happen. So tell everyone about the script you are working on or the genre you want to direct. It’s a numbers game and eventually something will stick and someone will call. We all need each other at some point and it’s only a matter of time before someone needs you. Remember that you add value to every project you work on. Internalize that and then work with purpose.

Step 5: Tunnel vision, baby

Sometimes you will be very broke, your body will be very sore, and your mind will be very tired. And it’s okay to take breaks, cry in the shower, or even give up. You are putting your body through a lot and only you will know if it is worth it. However, if you decide to keep waking up and becoming a filmmaker, the hardest thing is to keep the faith. It will work out because you work so hard, and hard work does not go unnoticed. You will encounter five no’s for every yes that could give you the break you want. But trust me when I tell you, those yes’s are worth it and they will drive you to get this far.

That’s it my friends, that’s all my secrets. It’s nothing big, it’s just resilience. Money will come, networks will be built, connections will be made. If you were brave enough to start this journey, you are already ready for it.

And last but not least, to all newcomers, and especially immigrants, I would be happy to lend you a listening ear, a shoulder to talk to, or some advice if you ever need it.