
GE Interviews: Chris Harwood – Climate Party

GE Interviews: Chris Harwood – Climate Party

Chris Harwood is the Climate Party’s candidate in Salisbury for the general election.

In his interview with Salisbury Radio, he spoke about the only issue the Climate Party stands for: net zero by 2030.

When asked what the priorities were for Salisbury, he said: “I think if you don’t tackle climate change quickly, it doesn’t matter what your second and third because Tthat won’t happen because climate change will simply destroy them.

After that. I think that efforts to address climate change quickly will create wealth. Then you have the money to address the other problems.

“Most people who say the council is not doing what it should be doing have problems with the council not having enough money.

“We are not a rich nation at the moment. We have a huge amount, almost as much as we produce in a year. So without additional wealth we cannot really tackle these things.

“The NHS obviously needs to look after the councils, as I said, right down to potholes.”

Listen to the full interview below and learn more about the Climate Party here:

Over the next week and a half, Salisbury Radio will be conducting and publishing interviews with the candidates in the Salisbury constituency. Hear what they had to say about important local and national issues in advance for the parliamentary elections. All seven candidates were invited to participate.

Tune in to Salisbury Radio’s Election Night special for all the latest news on Thursday, July 4, starting at 10 p.m.