
UA Little Rock graduate publishes first children’s book – News

UA Little Rock graduate publishes first children’s book – News

Susan Polk Van Dusen, a graduate and associate professor at UA Little Rock, has published her first children’s book, “What’s So Special About a Tree?”

The rhyming book is written for children ages 4 to 8 and features original drawings by her father, the late John Polk.

“My father was a very talented artist who left behind hundreds of paintings when he passed away four years ago,” Van Dusen said. “I was inspired to incorporate some of his work into a children’s book that I hope will bring joy to both children and the adults who love them.”

The 32-page book contains 14 paintings and drawings of both realistic and whimsical trees, along with a list of the artworks’ titles and media. Most of the works were completed in recent years, with the exception of one piece from 1970.

“I was a baby when my father completed this piece and thought it would be special to put it among the pieces he made later in life,” she said.

The book’s gentle rhymes are ideal for beginning readers, as a story to read aloud to the family, or to encourage learning in the classroom.

“Reading to children is such an important bonding experience,” said Van Dusen. “I hope this book will hold a special place in the hearts of parents and children and inspire them to appreciate the beauty and value of trees in our world.”

The book is available in hardcover, paperback, and e-book and can be purchased from, Amazon,, and other websites that sell books.

Van Dusen, who lives in Sherwood, has a master’s degree in professional and technical writing and a graduate certificate in online writing instruction from UA Little Rock. She previously taught online courses in both the Department of Rhetoric and Writing and the School of Mass Communication. She is currently working on her second book, which will be published this fall.