
Song Festival « Euro Weekly News

Song Festival « Euro Weekly News

Voices from Elche: The song festival crowns new stars. Image: Ayuntamiento de Elche.

The final of the Elche song contest will take place on August 6th at the Hort de Baix.

This year it celebrates its fourth anniversary and admission is free until the venue reaches full capacity.

Inma Mora, Councillor for Festivals, stressed that the festival will feature numerous Spanish artists, from whom the finalists of this competition, which is becoming increasingly established in the city, will emerge.

Great opportunity

Manuel Ramos, the festival’s director, was enthusiastic and said: “It is a great opportunity and honor to continue promoting young talent in our city and province.”

He noted that the artists participating in the festival had a national impact.

Registration for the competition began on July 1st.

Two categories

The competition will be held in two categories: youth (8-15 years) and adults (16-25 years).

Oriana Quintero, the festival’s organizer, explained that anyone interested in participating should submit a video of themselves singing for at least one minute. [email protected].

The jury consists of experts from the fields of music, visual arts and performing arts.

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