
The numerical value of all Alef Bais

The numerical value of all Alef Bais

Insights from Toras Harav Levi Yitzchok Schneersonthe father of the Rebbe, introduced by Shliach Rabbi David Dubov of New Jersey, for Parshas Behaaloscha: The numerical value of all the letters of Alef Bais. Full story, video

Insights from Toras Reb Levi Yitzchok, a weekly course based on the teachings of Harav Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, Chief Rabbi of the city of Dnipropetrovsk in Ukraine during the bloody Bolshevik Revolution and subsequent communist repression, and father of the Rebbe.

The shiur will be presented by Rabbi Dovid Dubov, director of Chabad of Mercer County in Princeton, New Jersey, and author of Yalkut Levi Yitzchok, an anthology of commentaries from the works of Harav Levi Yitzchak, of blessed memory.

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The first to advance were the divisions of the camp of Judah under their standard, under the command of Nahshon the son of Amminadab.

Nethanel the son of Tzuar was over the division of the tribe of Issachar, and Eliav the son of Chailoin was over the division of the tribe of Zevulon.

A) The lesson we can learn from the three tribes who first camped
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