
Airport fire brigade votes on industrial action

Airport fire brigade votes on industrial action

The main entrance to Jersey Airport overlooking the arrivals area

The union said any action could mean temporary closure of the airport (BBC)

Firefighters at Jersey Airport plan to hold a vote on industrial action among their employees in the wake of a pensions dispute.

The Prospect union said that while any measures would not affect emergency services, they could lead to the airport being temporarily closed.

The union claims that the Ports of Jersey (PoJ) denies new airport firefighters access to the public employees’ pension fund and instead offers them a savings plan.

PoJ said it had introduced a good pension scheme for all new hires in 2020 and would take legal action against the union.

“Beyond the Borders”

Bob King, Prospect National Secretary, said: “The firefighters at Jersey Airport provide a vital emergency service, just like any other dedicated emergency service worker.”

“It is unbearable that PoJ chose her for this treatment.”

PoJ said all new employees would be eligible to participate in a defined contribution pension scheme, where the company contributes 5 to 10 percent to each employee’s pension pot.

It said that Prospect withdrew from dispute resolution talks earlier this year and as a result “we have no choice but to take legal action against Prospect”.

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