
An incredibly imaginative western crime thriller – Cinemacy

An incredibly imaginative western crime thriller – Cinemacy

Director Chandler Balli has created a highly imaginative western crime thriller with a modest production budget of $10,000. Death after dark. Set in a small town in Texas at the beginning of the 19th century. Death after dark tells the story of a gang of bounty hunters tasked with catching a local serial killer. Tensions rise within the group as they close in on their target, questioning friend and foe alike. When everyone has a gun and everyone is a suspect, you don’t know who to trust.

Best Friends VS Bounty Hunter

The unfortunate few who saw Short (Addison Chapman) and Skinny (Chandler Balli) – those who lived to tell their tale – would consider the duo angels of death. Short and Skinny are experienced bounty hunters, called upon whenever justice is needed or a reward is offered. Recently, however, Skinny has been experiencing something of an existential crisis and is considering giving up bounty hunting for good. His inner struggle revolves around conflicting views on religion, mortality and death. Short, the understanding friend that he is, accepts Skinny’s resignation. For a time, they carry on with their lives. Skinny marries and enjoys a quiet life away from death. But his peace does not last long. Skinny’s wife dies prematurely, leaving Skinny heartbroken, grieving and vengeful. Now he puts his morals aside and vows to return to bounty hunting.

Watch the Death after dark Trailer here.

Skinny’s return to business couldn’t have come at a better time, as the abandoned town of Buck Creek is in desperate need of his services. A murderer is on the loose and must be stopped. The mayor of Buck Creek assembles a super pack of nine bounty hunters, including Short and Skinny, to catch this evil and elusive serial killer who has been tormenting the town’s residents for weeks. The prospect of a reward of $10,000 for the dead and $25,000 for the living is a huge incentive. The intention is for all the bounty hunters to work together to catch the killer, but with a life-changing sum at stake, it’s every man for himself.

If Quentin Tarantino were to direct Knife out

Death after dark has the same energy as if Quentin Tarantino had directed Knife outThere is no shortage of possibilities in terms of motive and suspect, making for an interactive and entertaining viewing experience. As a tribute to the look of classic western films, Death after dark has a distinct sepia tone and a familiar cowboy-inspired score. Visually, the film does an excellent job of building the universe of Buck Creek, with the set design, art direction, locations and visual effects all well-coordinated. The film’s clever script includes comedic witty remarks and confident camera movements that Death after dark apart from other modern westerns.

Bring away

Death after dark is a large-scale production that director Chandler Balli tackles with confidence and determination. From the large cast to battling 38-degree heat during the two-week shoot, this film was no small feat. “It’s a deeply personal journey,” he says. “A testament to my love of filmmaking.” With a running time of nearly two hours and twenty minutes Death after dark is an action-packed crime thriller that will keep you guessing until the end.