
5 Types of Fire Department Recruitment Videos

5 Types of Fire Department Recruitment Videos

While they all share the same goal—to add more capable volunteers to the firefighter roster—not all firefighter recruitment videos are the same. Some focus more on the action and high-energy response to big calls, while others take a more personal approach by featuring interviews about life in the fire department or focusing on a niche audience.

When planning a new recruiting video for your department, think about what you want to highlight and how you want to appeal to potential new hires. This can make a difference in how the content is received and responded to by the community members you’re trying to reach.

A recruitment video is a great way to show members of your community what life is like when you own your own turnout gear. Make the most of your calls by providing an accurate portrayal of life at the station and in the fire service.

1. Action-packed thriller

The adrenaline-fueled style of some recruitment videos is one way to grab the attention of potential recruits. These videos often include footage of firefighting missions or training sessions involving large flames, thick smoke, or special teams such as water rescue or parachutists.

2. Documentary style

Another approach to your recruitment video is to shoot it in the style of a documentary, with interviews with current members and detailed information about the day-to-day life of a firefighter.

3. Niche outreach

Strategically targeting a specific demographic in the community can be beneficial, as it allows you to tailor the intent of the video with a more targeted, specific, and enticing message. The way you offer the job to a group of high school graduates will likely be different than the way you would offer it to women or war veterans.

Target group: young people:

Military veterans in focus:

Women as target group:

4. Community involvement

By holding a community-focused open house, you have the opportunity to speak to citizens and inform them about the opportunities to get involved in the department and help make a difference in their community.

5. Audience engagement: Can you handle it?

Some recruitment videos focus on the traits and personality types that attract firefighters, appealing to their generous nature and desire to help people in need.

Regardless of your video editing or design skills, you can create a recruitment video that accurately portrays the type of operations, culture, and camaraderie available to potential recruits while showcasing the good work firefighters do. That’s all you really need.

Video: How to Create an Incredible FD Recruitment Video