
Martin Scorsese used a prop in Shutter Island to reveal the famous plot twist

Martin Scorsese used a prop in Shutter Island to reveal the famous plot twist

shutter Island is one of those films known for its iconic unexpected plot twist – but did you know that there’s actually a subtle hint right at the beginning that gives that twist away?

You will definitely be angry when you see this.

The 2010 film, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo, is about Teddy Daniels (DiCaprio), a US Marshall who is sent to an institution for the criminally insane to investigate the case of a missing patient.

Although some flashbacks provide clues to Teddy’s past, it is not until the end of the film that the U.S. Marshall learns that he is a patient himself. He was sent there after murdering his wife after she killed their children.

It turns out that Teddy made up the “missing patient” thing in the movie to help him cope with the trauma of losing his family. In a last-ditch effort to help him remember who he was, the staff decides to go along with his detective delusions to see if it helps him accept reality.

There are now numerous theories surrounding Martin Scorsese’s film, but the director let attentive fans know the twist long before it was revealed using a simple prop.

14 years have passed and no one can get over the ending. However, if we had all paid a little more attention to DiCaprio’s hands, the blow would not have hit us so hard.

The film's shocking ending was right in front of our eyes the whole time. (Paramount Pictures)

The film’s shocking ending was right in front of our eyes the whole time. (Paramount Pictures)

As the film progresses, some things begin to become clear to you, even though the prop was there right at the beginning.

For example, Andrew Laeddis is an anagram of Edward Daniels, the name of Teddy, who is looking for answers.

Fans can figure it all out for themselves, but only if they pay attention.

The biggest clue was probably the prop, as it led to theories about what the patients were and weren’t allowed to wear.

The answer? Lighters.

Remember that the detectives liked to smoke a lot?

But when push came to shove, Teddy never had a lighter and always had someone else light it for him?

Bingo. That’s the clue.

The end of the film left the audience shocked. Paramount Pictures

The end of the film left the audience shocked. Paramount Pictures

After viewers found out who Teddy really was and watched the film again, this became clear to them almost immediately.

Movie fan @imeugeneclark uploaded a video explaining that a prop used in the film was key all along.

“Did you know that in shutter Island “A small detail early on reveals Teddy’s true identity?” they explain.

“A big twist in the film, of course, is the realization that Teddy Daniels is not actually a U.S. Marshal, but Andrew Laeddis, a patient at the mental institution he is investigating.

“This twist is actually given away by the fact that every time Teddy wants to smoke a cigarette, someone else lights it for him.

“Because on Shutter Island, patients are not allowed to carry lighters with them.”

Other fans pointed out further clues, such as his “partner” Chuck (Ruffalo) having difficulty removing his holster before entering the facility.

This is because he doesn’t normally carry a weapon and isn’t a detective.

“It’s one of the first clues that his partner is not who he claims to be, because someone with his supposed background should have no problem with such a simple action,” they wrote on Reddit.

What other things do you think gave away the truth about Teddy in the film before it came to light?