
The Ukraine report: War explosives still present in some fields

The Ukraine report: War explosives still present in some fields

Mine clearance operations are currently underway in Ukraine. Farmers are struggling to make the most of their fields because explosives are still lying there.

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Vyacheslav Kubrak has worked as a tractor driver for Nibulon since 2000. He leases his land to the company. After the Russians were expelled from the Mykolaiv region, the company began clearing its shareholders’ fields for free. Vyacheslav’s fields were among them.

For the remaining farmers whose land is contaminated with unexploded ordnance, the situation regarding mine clearance is still uncertain. The cost of mine clearance is prohibitive for small farmers – it amounts to about $2,500 per hectare.

There is no field that has not been shelled. All the fields are full of pits and unexploded ammunition. We are getting help with mine clearance so that we can work and work in the fields.

Maksym Sovetkin, head of Nibulon’s demining department, says the company is committed to helping local farmers with demining.

Today we are certified operators of manual demining and combat zone clearance. We have managed to conduct a non-technical survey of over 13,000 acres of land, 90% of which will be safe for growing crops in the near future.

Our mission is to make agricultural land usable for agriculture again so that we and other producers can contribute to fighting hunger around the world.

Working in these fields was extremely dangerous as they were overgrown with tall weeds and every step was a risk. Powerful equipment helps with mine clearance.

Vyacheslav Kubrak’s land, which has already been cleared of explosives, is set to harvest a new crop this year. He drove the tractor through the demined area himself. It was a bit scary at first, he admits, but now he is relieved and excited that the Ukrainian land is gradually coming back to life.

This report was produced by Latifundist Media and supported by USAID through the Agriculture Growing Rural Opportunities (AGRO) activity implemented in Ukraine by Chemonics International. For more information, visit their website or follow them on social media.


