
Famous triplets from ‘The Return of Superman’ shock social media users with their latest TV appearance

Famous triplets from ‘The Return of Superman’ shock social media users with their latest TV appearance

By: Xianna Bengo3 minutes ago

This could be another reminder that you are getting old.

Korean actor Song Il Kook’s triplets Dae Han, Min Guk and Man Se recently attracted attention when they appeared on the popular television show “You Quiz on the Block.”

The triplets, who rose to fame as toddlers on the reality show “The Return of Superman,” appeared as special guests in a teaser for the next episode and shocked viewers with how much they’ve grown.

Many fans have watched the show since it aired in 2013 and witnessed the triplets growing up together.

A preview of the triplets was released via the show’s official Instagram account and quickly went viral, sparking a wave of nostalgia among fans.

Their post read, “Along with the original Superman ‘Song Daddy’ Song Il Kook and the online nephews across the nation who brought healing to aunts and uncles around the world, Daehan, Minguk, and Manse have joined You Quiz!”

“They have already grown so big that they have surpassed Jo Seho’s height. Are you curious about the triplets’ tremendous growth? Check out You Quiz!” they ended their post.

On social media, fans shared their reactions to the now grown-up triplets.

One user wrote: “I knew the triplets would be big because of Song Il Gook’s genes, but damn, that BIG at 15??? 😭😭😭”

Another user wrote: “My favorite babies in TROS!!! I feel so old, you’re even taller than me. 😭”

“Wow! Time flies so fast. Daehan, Minguk, Mansae are almost as tall as his dad 😲,” said another user.

A fourth user wrote: “Shit… how old am I? They grew up so fast or I’m getting older.”

Comments on the triplets

The episode of “You Quiz on the Block” featuring the triplets is scheduled to air on July 4th.

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