
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s rugby-playing son looks just like his famous father

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s rugby-playing son looks just like his famous father

In 2011, Arnold Schwarzenegger made a shocking revelation that sent shockwaves around the world.

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Behind the back of his then wife Maria Shriver, the now 75-year-old well-known actor announced that he was secretly the father of a child.

The affair was with her housekeeper Mildred Baena and led to the birth of her now 25-year-old son Joe Baena in 1997.

Joseph captivated the world not only with his strong resemblance to his father, but also with their shared passion for bodybuilding.

He has followed in his legendary father’s footsteps and pursued a career in the film industry while also successfully pursuing a solid career as a real estate agent.

Joseph’s remarkable achievements and remarkable talents enrich his family history and have attracted the attention of many people around the world.

According to Mail Online, Baena has sculpted his muscular upper body through weight lifting, playing rugby and swimming.

Joseph’s relationship with his father seems to be blossoming. He said he is “slowly starting to catch up with his dad in weight lifting,” adding that he is the “best training partner” at the gym.

Jonny Wilkinson picks the best HOLLYWOOD movie star of all time Rugby XV

England legend Jonny Wilkinson has assembled his best ever rugby team, but it’s not what you think. In fact, it’s made up entirely of male movie stars.

The team is made up of a lot of muscular action stars whose acting skills are probably on par with their rugby skills, but as far as the physical demands of each role go, we think Wilkinson did a pretty good job.

Check out his team for yourself below.

Jonny Wilkinson’s Movie Star Rugby XV:

15. Chuck Norris

14. Vin Diesel

13. Jean-Claude van Damme

12. Russell Crowe (Vice Captain)

11. Jason Statham

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