
Nick Imudia’s family says the cause of death is unknown

Nick Imudia’s family says the cause of death is unknown

July 1 (THEWILL) – The family of Nick Imudia, Group CEO of D.light, who died a few days ago, disapproves of the way the media is reporting Nick Imudia’s death as a suicide.

This happened just as the office of the Commissioner of Police in Lagos State announced that it would investigate Nick’s sudden death.

A statement from Nick’s family on Sunday said: “Nick has not called his brother in America to give him instructions on the distribution of his assets, nor has he called his daughter to give him any instructions.”

“How could the news be announced so hastily (less than three hours before his death), before his family members even knew about it – and the medical team at the hospital were still trying to resuscitate him,” wondered the Imudia family.

Until his death, Nick Imudia was Group CEO of D.light International, headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, where he also lived. From Nairobi, he managed the company’s global activities.

According to the family, Nick was full of life and people who worked closely with him or met him in the final hours before the incident that led to his death were shocked when the media labeled his death a “suicide.”

The statement signed by Dr. Anthony Imudia on behalf of the family indicates that the deceased was on a short visit to Lagos after a brief stay in the Netherlands and was due to return to Nairobi a day after his sudden death.

“He comes from a close-knit, supportive family and Nick has never shown any signs of stress and has never been diagnosed with depression. The suicidal thoughts portrayed and hastily reported in the media are suspect.

Nick started his career at the Finnish telecommunications company Nokia before being transferred from Helsinki to Singapore to take over the management of Nokia’s Asia business.

Later in his career at Nokia, he was appointed Managing Director of Nokia – West and Central Africa.

When Microsoft bought Nokia, he decided to leave the company. Looking for a new challenge, he became CEO of Konga Nigeria, where he restructured the company’s operations.

Given his prime and success, all the people who knew Nick well were shocked and could not accept the labeling of his death as a suicide.

“Members of Nick’s family ask the media and the public to give them the opportunity to mourn their loved one without allowing unfounded rumors to emerge about the circumstances of his death,” the statement continued.

Anthony Awunor is a business correspondent and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics (UNILAG). He is also a graduate of the Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT), Zaria-Kaduna State. He lives in Lagos.
