
Here is your July zodiac self-love message

Here is your July zodiac self-love message

“Thanks, but no thanks” might be your favorite zodiac mantra for July as the month begins. Take it easy—after all, that’s what Cancer season is all about. As you swim through the currents of your life, you’ll find an easier, gentler path while creating a safe space for yourself and your needs.

Aries: Calm instead of attention

What’s important this month is not mindless admiration, but a balanced self-esteem that comes from within. You may feel like a tiny bud just opening to life, but trust that you will find your sun and it will give you its warmest rays.

Taurus: Lively development

This is your month to rise up and embrace the potential of your own life without excuses. Leave judgment and criticism behind as you push yourself forward with encouragement in new directions.

Gemini: Tolerance as a form of love

It’s about how tolerant and patient you are with the grays while rediscovering the positives in your life and in yourself. Caring and a broader perspective bring the most loving and rich vibrations into your life.

Cancer: Insightful self-love

While you may have been working on your self-love game for a while, this new phase takes you by surprise as you learn to hold your own even in uncertain situations. What’s going on around you probably has little or no impact on how you see yourself.

Leo: Grounded self-confidence

Take action that speaks to you loudly and clearly, without feeling obligated to wait for people and situations. Your humble self-assurance is likely to open doors for you where everyone else sees only locks. Breathe deeply and trust that this newfound clarity will take you to higher octaves.

Virgo: Inspiration and Flow

All roads lead home, so where do you go next? Let life take you and follow the call of your heart without interruption. You may feel a little nervous as you take your steps, but that’s only because you’re exploring new territory. Gently let go of that heavy feeling in your heart that you’ve been carrying for so long and welcome life with open arms.

Libra: Contagious optimism

Without confusing optimism with toxic positivity, you can use your playfulness and curiosity to plant the seeds of a bright future. In a world where much can go wrong, remember that much more can go right—if you just honestly try.

Scorpio: stability, joy and understanding

Take in all the wisdom in your heart and bring it out by being grateful for the blessings you may take for granted. Don’t be so hard on yourself by understanding that, like everyone else, you are healing parts of yourself that may have felt neglected or overshadowed by the feelings and perceptions of others.

Sagittarius: connection of heart and soul

Willpower, strength and faith can take you far. This month will surprise you with a new understanding of situations or people and your ability to find solid ground under your feet at the same time. Instead of focusing on your little imperfections, zoom out and observe how amazingly you have grown.

Capricorn: Loving boundaries

When you recognize where others stop and you begin, you’ve won half the battle. Empower and nurture yourself this month by letting go of fictitious ideas about what should make you valuable. Once you accept that this is exactly where you are, that is reason enough for your worthiness.

Aquarius: Open your heart

Opening your heart to the irregular beauty of life means you are willing to release your grip on what isn’t working, to truly let go for the sake of your sanity. Forgiveness is just one way to break free from a bondage that leaves you feeling dull. Try to go beyond the teacher to see the lesson so you can achieve true abundance.

Pisces: Forget-me-not

The enchanting message of the forget-me-not flowers is that they remind you not to forget that you are one with the universe. Don’t forget yourself as you juggle a thousand responsibilities this month – when you truly live in abundance, you automatically create spaciousness.

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