
Russia’s former president: USA thought it had won the Cold War, now it is losing it

Russia’s former president: USA thought it had won the Cold War, now it is losing it

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
Mikhail Svetlov/Getty Images

  • Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said the United States mistakenly believed it had won the Cold War.
  • “What’s more, now we are only one step away from losing it completely,” Medvedev added.
  • The Putin supporter regularly threatened nuclear attacks on the West.

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said the US had mistakenly “decided that it had won the Cold War”.

At the 12th International Legal Forum in St. Petersburg on June 27, Medvedev, now deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, said: “This was a very serious misunderstanding. The United States did not win.”

He added: “Besides, it is now only one step away from losing it completely.”

Medvedev’s comments during the forum are consistent with his anti-Western stance.

When the former president was elected in 2008, he was considered more liberal and pro-Western than his predecessor, Vladimir Putin.

However, since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, he has turned against the West in what many see as an attempt to win Putin’s favor. He is now known for regularly issuing bombastic threats against Western countries.

For example, in an X-post on May 6, Medvedev threatened nuclear war, saying Russia would launch nuclear attacks on Western capitals if NATO sent troops to support Ukraine.

“In this case, none of them will be able to hide, neither on Capitol Hill, nor in the Élysée Palace, nor in 10 Downing Street. It will be a global catastrophe,” he wrote.

Medvedev also suggested that Russia fire a hypersonic missile at The Hague after the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Putin.

Medvedev has also repeatedly made wild predictions about wars in the West and the collapse of Western countries. He said that one day a war would break out between France and Germany. In December 2022, he also predicted that Elon Musk could one day be elected US president – an assumption that even Musk considered “absurd.”

Medvedev’s representative did not immediately respond to Business Insider’s requests for comment, sent outside regular business hours.