
Second sighting of spotted lanternfly confirmed in Michigan

Second sighting of spotted lanternfly confirmed in Michigan

According to the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the invasive and non-native spotted lanternfly has re-emerged in Michigan.

Two discoveries were made this year. The USDA confirmed a small population of juvenile spotted lanternflies in Lamberville, Michigan on June 17.

A second detection occurred on June 24 in Monroe County, when the pest was found in surveillance traps set by Michigan State University as part of joint survey initiatives with MSU, MDARD and USDA.

Spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula), first discovered in Pontiac, Michigan in 2022, poses a threat to the state’s fruit and forest industries. It is an invasive dwarf spider that feeds on a variety of plants, including grapes, hops, stone fruit, and deciduous trees.

When the spotted lanternfly feeds, it secretes a sticky, sugary fluid that causes sooty mold, which can further damage plants. Its preferred host is the tree of heaven (Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima)), but it also feeds on a wide range of plants, including vines and trees such as black walnut, river birch, willow, sumac, and red maple.

MDARD - A graphic detailing how to identify a spotted lanternfly

The disease was first discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014. Today, it affects 17 states to varying degrees, including Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia.

“MDARD is working with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, USDA and the Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas to determine the extent of the infestation,” says Steve Carlson, director of MDARD’s Pesticides and Plant Pest Management Division. “We are currently in the response assessment phase and will use the data collected on site to determine an appropriate response.”

Prevention and early detection are critical to limiting the spread of the spotted lanternfly, MDARD says. If someone encounters a spotted lanternfly egg mass, nymph or adult, MDARD advises taking one or more photos, noting the date, time and location of the sighting and reporting it online to Eyes in the field.

The spotted lanternfly goes through several life stages. Juveniles, called nymphs, which resemble small, wingless black to red beetles with white spots, are found in early summer, while adults – characterized by gray to brown outer wings with black spots – appear in late summer.

The spotted lanternfly, which does not bite humans, is a hitchhiking pest native to Asia. It lays its eggs on all hard surfaces, including grills, vehicles, trailers, firewood, lawn furniture, bicycles and toys.

Emelie Swackhamer, Penn State University, – A swarm of spotted lanternflies on a tree trunk

What can you do?

Everyone can help prevent the spread of the spotted lanternfly, says MDARD. Remember, “See it. Crush it. Report it.” Here are some more tips:

Check your vehicle. Before leaving a parking lot or construction site, inspect your vehicle for spotted lanternfly eggs or insects. Check doors, sides, bumpers, wheel wells, grilles, and roofs. Destroy any eggs or insects you find.

Park with the windows closed. The spotted lanternfly and its larvae can enter vehicles unnoticed. Be sure to keep the windows closed when parking.

Remove and destroy pests. Crush nymphs and adult insects. Scrape egg masses into a plastic bag with hand sanitizer or rubbing alcohol to kill them.

Report sightings. Submit reports with photos to Eyes in the Field. Photos are required to verify a report and assist with identification.

Emelie Swackhamer, Penn State University, – Young spotted lanternflies on a plant stem

Not sure if you have found a spotted lanternfly? Check out the Spotted Lanternfly Lookalike Guide and browse through the photo galleries on Flickr.

For more information on identifying or reporting the Spotted Lanternfly, visit learn more at USDA’s Spotted Lanternfly Website.