
Prince Foundation underlines the crucial role of public-private partnerships in the fight against mines in the Geneva Convention

Prince Foundation underlines the crucial role of public-private partnerships in the fight against mines in the Geneva Convention

PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA – Media OutReach Newswire – July 1, 2024 – In a remarkable example of effective collaboration, Cambodia’s public and private sectors have set a gold standard for cooperation in mine clearance. At the recent Convention to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines in Geneva, Switzerland, Prince Holding Group, represented by its philanthropic arm Prince Foundation, highlighted its significant role in this partnership. Addressing international leaders and politicians, Gabriel Tan, Chief Communications Officer of Prince Holding Group and Head of Prince Foundation, emphasized the critical role of private sector engagement in eliminating landmines and promoting sustainable development.

HE Dr. Ly Thuch, Senior Minister, First Vice President of the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA) and President of the Ottawa Convention 2024 (centre), chaired the “Private Sector Partnership Towards a Mine-Free World” dialogue during the Convention to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines in Geneva, Switzerland. (From right to left) Mr. Gabriel Tan, Chief Communications Officer, Prince Holding Group and Head of Prince Foundation; Mr. Robert Hwang, Vice-Chairman of TAFTAC; Mr. Albert Tan, Vice-Chairman of TAFTAC; and Mr. Andrew Tey, Director of CGTI Centre were part of the Cambodian delegation.HE Dr. Ly Thuch, Senior Minister, First Vice President of the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA) and President of the Ottawa Convention 2024 (centre), chaired the “Private Sector Partnership Towards a Mine-Free World” dialogue during the Convention to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines in Geneva, Switzerland. (From right to left) Mr. Gabriel Tan, Chief Communications Officer, Prince Holding Group and Head of Prince Foundation; Mr. Robert Hwang, Vice-Chairman of TAFTAC; Mr. Albert Tan, Vice-Chairman of TAFTAC; and Mr. Andrew Tey, Director of CGTI Centre were part of the Cambodian delegation.

The Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention, also known as the Ottawa Treaty, is an international legal instrument that prohibits the development, production, stockpiling, transfer and use of anti-personnel mines. In a forum promoted by the United Nations, 164 countries have currently signed up to the treaty.

The conference brought together international leaders, policymakers and experts to discuss current challenges and progress in mine action. For the first time, representatives of private companies involved in humanitarian mine action participated in this platform, making a significant impact. Mr. Tan’s participation underscored the Prince Foundation’s commitment to supporting mine action efforts, particularly in Cambodia, where landmines continue to impact communities and hamper development.

Mr Gabriel Tan, Chief Communications Officer of Prince Holding Group and Head of the Prince Foundation (far right), spoke at the Mr Gabriel Tan, Chief Communications Officer of Prince Holding Group and Head of the Prince Foundation (far right), spoke at the

In his remarks, HE Ly Thuch, Senior Minister, First Vice-President of the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA) and President of the Ottawa Convention 2024, said: “The private sector’s contribution to humanitarian demining will go a long way in resolving the global mine crisis and accelerating the path to a mine-free world. Landmines continue to threaten lives, destroy livelihoods and hamper socio-economic development, posing a major obstacle to sustainable peace around the world.”

“Despite the remarkable progress made through international treaties and mine clearance initiatives, challenges remain and require joint efforts across all sectors,” added Senior Minister Ly Thuch.

The Prince Foundation has been actively involved in several mine action and victim assistance projects. From participating in the High-Level Dialogue on Mine Action in Siem Reap to sponsoring the Malaysian Business Chamber of Commerce (MBCC) Charity Gala Dinner that supported mine action in Kampong Speu province, the Foundation has continuously demonstrated its commitment. Notably, the Prince Foundation collaborated with UNDP Cambodia to produce a video featuring a message from former James Bond actor Daniel Craig to mark the 30th anniversary of demining in Cambodia.

The MBCC has also played a crucial role in raising funds and awareness to help Cambodia achieve its goal of becoming a mine-free country. Together with other partners, the MBCC launched the “One Person – 4000 Riel” campaign, the amount needed to clear a five-square-meter piece of contaminated land. With its donations, it helped clear landmines and other unexploded ordnance in Sdok township and three villages in Srang township, Kampong Speu province.

Likewise, the Textile, Apparel, Footwear & Travel Goods Association in Cambodia (TAFTAC), with the support of the Cambodia Garment Training Institute (CGTI), has been instrumental in providing training and skills development to improve the lives of victims and their families. This initiative improves their ability to integrate into the workforce and contribute to the country’s development. In 2023, with the support of TAFTAC members, a donation of US$240,000 was raised to support demining in eight minefields in Koh Sdach commune, Kirisakor district, Koh Kong province. As a result, the area was declared mine-free later that year.

“TAFTAC is honored to support the government’s efforts to create a landmine-free Cambodia through the CMAA. This initiative underscores the importance of public-private partnerships in achieving such important goals. We are committed to the socio-economic development of Cambodia and working towards a better future for all,” said Albert Tan, Vice-Chairman of TAFTAC.

The Prince Foundation’s support goes beyond mine clearance. From September 2022 to September 2023, the Foundation supported the Cambodia Wheelchair Basketball Association. This initiative highlighted the positive impact of helping victims of dangerous explosives and physical disabilities. The historic successes of the Cambodian women’s wheelchair basketball team at the 2023 ASEAN Para Games, where they won a gold and a silver medal, highlighted the importance of adaptive sports and platforms for athletes with disabilities.

During the conference, Mr. Tan highlighted the Cambodian model of public-private sector cooperation in mine action as a prime example of effective partnerships. He stressed the urgent need for strong alliances with humanitarian organizations to seamlessly integrate mine action efforts into broader peace and development goals. “Building closer relationships between the private sector and humanitarian organizations will ensure the holistic integration of mine action into a broader peace and development agenda,” Mr. Tan explained.

“The collaboration between CMAA and private organizations such as the Prince Foundation, MBCC and TAFTAC demonstrates the potential of joint efforts. Our joint initiatives not only work towards a mine-free Cambodia, but also drive innovation and provide sustainable support for social wellbeing,” added Mr Tan.

Collaboration between the private sector and humanitarian organizations can be strengthened through comprehensive strategies that include joint planning and goal setting, shared resources and expertise, and integrated programs that combine mine action with other humanitarian and development initiatives. Regular communication and coordination are essential to align efforts. Conducting joint impact assessments and reports can measure successes and identify areas for improvement.

As the global community continues to strive for a mine-free world, private sector contributions play an indispensable role in accelerating this goal. The Prince Foundation remains committed to driving innovation and building sustainable support for mine action and social initiatives to strengthen the shared ambition for a mine-free world.

Hashtag: #PrinceFoundation #PrinceHoldingGroup #MineClearance #PublicPrivatePartnership

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About the Prince Foundation

Established in 2015, the Prince Foundation is one of Cambodia’s leading philanthropic foundations. As a member of the Prince Holding Group, one of Cambodia’s largest corporate groups, the Foundation aims to partner with local communities to create thriving living and working environments that improve people’s well-being and livelihoods, in line with the vision: “Building a better future for Cambodia together.”

The Prince Foundation focuses on education and youth development, healthcare, community engagement and sports, and health initiatives, working with partners to deliver sustainable programs that improve opportunities for Cambodia’s youth, build community resilience, and contribute to sustainable infrastructure.

The Foundation’s flagship projects are the Chen Zhi Scholarship, which provides full scholarships, fellowships, internships and work opportunities to 400 Cambodian university students over seven years, and Prince Horology, where aspiring Cambodian watchmakers learn the art of Swiss watchmaking in a state-of-the-art facility. The Prince Foundation has launched more than 250 philanthropic initiatives, benefiting over 1.3 million people and raising more than US$16 million.