
Tech Times Weekly Wrap: ICQ shuts down, gamer threatens Nintendo with death, SpaceX’ Mechazilla: Technology: Tech Times

Tech Times Weekly Wrap: ICQ shuts down, gamer threatens Nintendo with death, SpaceX’ Mechazilla: Technology: Tech Times

There were huge developments in the world of technology last week. The latest edition of the Tech Times Weekly Wrap contains the most important news, starting with the closure of ICQ, the pioneer in the world of Internet messaging services. A gamer from Japan also sent death threats to Nintendo because he was upset about the frequent deaths in games.

(Photo: Tech Times)

Finally, SpaceX is currently conducting extensive tests involving Mechazilla’s rods, which will soon be used to catch the Super Heavy Booster on its future return.

ICQ is discontinued after 28 years of Internet messaging

One of the world’s most well-known and groundbreaking companies, ICQ, has shut down its services after 28 years of operation. ICQ was known for being among the very first companies to offer this connected experience, allowing users worldwide to send and receive messages, in its early stages when it launched in 1996.

(Photo: KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP via Getty Images)

According to AFP, it was officially announced on its website and its humble beginnings date back to 1996 when it was founded by renowned Israeli programmers.

The platform once had 100 million users in the early 2000s and is one of the platforms that helped revolutionize the real-time chat experience.

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Frustrated player sent death threats to Nintendo

Gaming is a form of entertainment, but for some it is life. A Japanese man who has dedicated himself to this lifestyle has sent death threats to Nintendo after dying frequently in the games. In several outbursts of anger, the 27-year-old man from Hitachi City in Japan’s Ibaraki Prefecture sent strongly worded letters against the Japanese company.

(Photo: Lukas Schulze/Getty Images)

It has not been disclosed which Nintendo games were the reason for his strong emotions, but he was recently accused of making threats against the company, which included rescheduling various events and competitions.

According to Nintendo Life, Takemi Kazama was threatened with a one-year prison sentence for his confessed crimes. The verdict will be announced by July 24.

SpaceX: Mechazilla chopsticks put to the test

Following the successful full launch of the Starship, SpaceX is moving forward with the program and testing the Mechazilla machine at Starbase in Texas, focusing on the “stick” mechanism. The Mechazilla is touted as the start and end point of a Starship mission, as it would be fully installed on the machine and the return of the rocket would also be caught by its arms.

(Photo: SpaceX via X)

More specifically, Mechazilla was built to intercept the Super Heavy Booster and is known as the first rocket to return to the planet after the spacecraft’s launch.

SpaceX shared its preparations with the world, saying these tests would benefit future missions as they would be a key factor in their reusability.

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