
Iran warns of ‘devastating war’ if Israel launches offensive in Lebanon

Iran warns of ‘devastating war’ if Israel launches offensive in Lebanon

Iran has threatened a “devastating war” if Israel launches a full-scale attack on Lebanon. At the same time, diplomats are trying to prevent tensions between Israel and the Tehran-backed Lebanese militia Hezbollah from escalating into open conflict.

In a post on X, Iran’s mission to the United Nations said that “all options” are “on the table,” including the involvement of Iran-backed armed groups across West Asia. The most important of these groups is Hezbollah, a powerful militia in Lebanon. At the same time, Iran dismissed warnings that Israel could invade Lebanon, calling them “psychological warfare.”

Israel and Hezbollah have been enemies for decades and have exchanged frequent firefights along Israel’s northern border. Cross-border attacks have intensified since the Gaza war began last October. Israeli government officials have been warning for months that Israel could invade Lebanon if Hezbollah does not withdraw its troops from the border area. Hezbollah is also threatening to invade Israel.

US and Europe warn Hezbollah against reducing its attacks on Israel

US and European officials are warning Hezbollah, which is far stronger than Hamas but is seen as overconfident, against taking on Israel’s military superiority. They are warning the group that it should not rely on the US or anyone else to stop Israel if it decides to launch an offensive in Lebanon.

The UN’s special humanitarian envoy, Martin Griffiths, described the potential war as “apocalyptic.” Hezbollah has an estimated arsenal of 150,000 rockets and missiles that can strike anywhere in Israel. Israel, meanwhile, has vowed to unleash Gaza-like devastation in Lebanon.