
Media: Rasmussen says Russia’s war in Ukraine will last at least until the end of 2024

Media: Rasmussen says Russia’s war in Ukraine will last at least until the end of 2024

According to the German television channel n-tv, former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen believes that the strategy of Russian ruler Vladimir Putin is aimed at weakening the West and not at a rapid occupation of all Ukrainian territories.

He said the war in Ukraine would continue at least until the end of 2024, as Putin hoped that the US presidential election “will bring changes that will somehow help him.”

“In my opinion, the next year will be crucial. If we give the Ukrainians everything they need not only to survive but to win the war, they have a good chance of pushing the Russians back,” emphasized Rasmussen.

When asked when and how the war in Ukraine might end, Rasmussen admitted that it was “difficult to make timely predictions.”

“I fear this will be a long war. Putin’s ‘Plan A’ of conquering all of Ukraine in a few days has failed. His ‘Plan B’ is a frozen conflict and a Russian occupation of eastern Ukraine while he hopes the West will weaken and give in.” he said.

Rasmussen added that Putin was not happy with the occupation of Ukraine and would cross Ukrainian territory if the West let him win the war.

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