
A final playlist to look back and move on

A final playlist to look back and move on

Robbie Williams’ “Angels” is Pembroke’s song and for me it will never be anything elseDrew de F Fawkes / Wikimedia Commons (resized) /

As I was reflecting on the last three years at the end of my time at Cambridge, I realized that my most important memories are shaped by music. Since I listened to an incredible amount of music in 2023 according to Spotify Wrapped, I decided to take a look at the songs that stuck in my mind during my Cambridge years, from the motivational to the slightly too catchy.

“Can we dance?” – The Vamps

I can’t remember exactly what song was playing when I fell down the stairs at 2 Selwyn Gardens last year and broke my foot. What I can say, however, is that no house party is complete without this song. I was recently asked what song I would choose to entertain the crowd after the party at Pembroke Bar. My answer? ‘Can We Dance’ by The Vamps. This song gets a party going and will have a mass migration to the dance floor from its very first line.

“This song gets the party going and brings crowds to the dance floor”

“In Motion” – Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross

This song is the first on my library playlist. Before that there was challengerThere was The social network. The techno beat makes me type faster as I begin to believe that I, too, am an (evil?) genius creating something that will change the internet forever. Unfortunately, the last time I heard this song was when I was writing an essay called “Who Owns Trust Funds?” – not half as exciting as the founding of Facebook.

“that’s me trying” – Taylor Swift

I could choose any Taylor song to write about. Her entire discography has been a constant source of comfort and inspiration throughout my life, but especially during my time at Cambridge. This song, however, hit a few often too close to home, especially during exam time. Whatever my results, I can at least say I tried…

“Move On” – Steven Sondheim (from Sunday in the park with George)

Like many Cambridge students, I came with a dream to make the most of this place and to put my own little stamp on this famous institution. Like many others, I leave the University after three turbulent years and ask myself, “What have I really done?” Of course, I will leave with a degree, incredible friends and memories to last a lifetime. But as someone full of ambition and creativity, I can’t help but feel that I still have more to give. The finale of Sunday in the park with Georgea musical that tells the story of the “artist’s struggle” gave me some hope. George sings a line that touches me more than any other: “I want to make things that matter, things that will be new. What should I do?” The answer: “Whatever you do, let it come from you. Then it will be new.”

“For someone who will feel a little lost after graduation, these words are a small consolation.”

As someone who will feel a little lost after graduation, these words give me some comfort and encourage me to make the most of everything I do, knowing that it will matter in some way. I hope these words can provide some wisdom to others who feel the same way.

“Angels” – Robbie Williams

Time to lighten the mood and talk about bops: the sixth-form discos in Cambridge; the parties where you might have to pretend not to enjoy them when your friends from home come to visit. When I realised at my first bop that everyone was willing to make an effort and have fun without worrying about being ‘cool’, I discovered that maybe I did belong in Cambridge after all. By the end of the night, when everyone was holding arms, forming a big circle and singing along to the lyrics to Robbie Williams’ ‘Angels’,, it was confirmed: I would like this place.

‘Angelis Pembroke’s song and will never be anything else for me. It feels wrong to sing anything other than ‘I’m loving Pembroke instead’. It symbolises what I love about Pembroke: the people; the willingness to switch from serious to silly in a second; the atmosphere of work hard and play hard (eh?). What I will miss most about Cambridge is being able to walk into college and be greeted by people who, like me, are always stressed about a deadline, safe in the knowledge that they too were singing Robbie Williams’ 1997 hit at the top of their lungs the Saturday night before. If Pembroke is a storm of exams, work, hangovers, exam drama and sports joy, then for me singing ‘Angels’ is is the eye of the storm – a few minutes of happiness and silliness in the midst of our crazy, stressful lives.