
Stevensville man charged with negligent homicide of his grandmother

Stevensville man charged with negligent homicide of his grandmother

HAMILTON – A Stevensville man has been charged with multiple crimes, including involuntary manslaughter, following the death of his grandmother.

Prosecutors say 35-year-old Scott James Kreutzer failed to provide food or medical care to 80-year-old Caroline Kruetzer, who died in February 2024.

According to court documents, Scott Kreutzer and his 58-year-old mother, Michelle Schaeffer, had lived with the victim for several years before her death.

Prosecutors said Caroline Kreutzer fell and fractured her vertebrae, and Scott Kreutzer took her home against medical advice.

Caroline Kreutzer “remained virtually bedridden for fear of further falls” and Scott Kruetzer became her full-time caregiver, court documents show.

Emergency crews were called to the Kreutzers’ residence, a one-bedroom single-wide mobile home, after another of the victim’s daughters called 9-1-1.

First responders told investigators that Caroline Kreutzer was unable to move, had “incredible” bedsores and was lying in her own excrement.

Caroline Kreutzer was admitted to a hospital in Missoula, where a doctor diagnosed her as “extremely malnourished” and in need of a blood transfusion, according to court documents.

The doctor also stated that Caroline Kreutzer appeared to have been “in an environment that indicated severe neglect.”

Caroline Kreutzer died the following day.

An autopsy conducted by the Montana State Medical Examiner revealed that Caroline Kreutzer was not only suffering from bedsores at the time of her death, but was also suffering from malnutrition and dehydration.

Court documents say prosecutors found during an investigation that Scott Kreutzer did not seek “any medical care, assistance or intervention” for Caroline Kreutzer.

Scott Kreutzer told investigators that Caroline Kreutzer had stopped eating and that he noticed a bed sore on her leg. He also said he changed the victim’s diapers daily.

According to court documents, Scott Kreutzer also told a Ravalli County Sheriff’s Office deputy, “I took perfect care of her for 19 months,” and stated, “I did not neglect her or alter her.”

According to prosecutors, Scott Kreutzer admitted that his grandmother received $1,400 a month, but explained that he did not keep Caroline Kreutzer at home so that she could continue to receive the money.

Scott Kreutzer was arrested Wednesday and is being held on $250,000 bail.

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