
Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for America to stop fighting HIV/AIDS “around the world”

Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for America to stop fighting HIV/AIDS “around the world”

It’s hard to imagine that someone as despicable as Marjorie Taylor Greene could do something to make your opinion of her worse. And yet she did it. In Congress this week, she demanded that the United States stop funding the global campaign against HIV/AIDS.

It began quite harmlessly with the announcement of seemingly good news.

“In Tanzania, USAID helped raise $7.8 million from the private sector for private clinics. This investment resulted in a 35% increase in HIV testing and over 10,000 patients tested, and 100% of those who tested positive were able to receive treatment in Nigeria.

USAID contracted private pharmacies to provide HIV treatment.”

Anyone unfamiliar with the evil Marjorie would probably see this as a promising start to a positive speech. It’s nice to hear a US congressman congratulate a US agency for raising funds to fight a disease that still kills 630,000 people worldwide each year.

The good news is that the efforts of the US agency USAID (United States Agency for International Development) are showing initial success in containing this catastrophic epidemic.

But Greene is not a compassionate conservative (if there is such a thing). Most AIDS victims are not white Americans. Therefore, in Greene’s calculations, they do not fall under her “Christian,” “pro-life” agenda. It’s another one of her countless “let them eat cake” moments.

She soon revealed her feelings about preserving human life. According to her simple calculation, fighting disease is a zero-sum game. Preventing one person from dying of HIV/AIDS in Africa condemns one American to die from fentanyl.

“Meanwhile, the fentanyl drug crisis continues to rage across America, but we continue to fund USAID with billions of dollars to fight AIDS and other diseases around the world. We should be taking care of Americans, and we should be funding treatment for Americans here at home, fighting a weapon of mass destruction that is killing Americans every day. The American tax authorities are funding this, and the American tax authorities want their problems solved.”

My first thought as one of those “American helmsmen” is: What the hell is wrong with this woman’s vocabulary? And more importantly, her math skills are questionable too.

The USA spends $5.4 billion is spent each year on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment worldwide. That’s a significant amount, but it pales in comparison to what we spend on the war on drugs.

This futile endeavor, in which over a trillion dollars have been wasted since 1970, now costs The American tax revenue stream is $44 billion a year. And that doesn’t include the cost of incarcerating people for drug offenses.

630,000 people worldwide die from HIV/AIDS. In the USA, 110,000 people die each year die due to drug overdose.

Simple calculations show that the United States spends 46 times more per drug overdose death than it does on every HIV/AIDS death worldwide (again, this figure does not include the cost of incarcerating people for drug offenses).

A fiscal conservative (if there is such a thing) would want to know why we throw so much money into the fire to stop drug use through our futile “attack on supply” strategy. Have we learned nothing from Prohibition? (Rhetorical). Mephitic Marjorie certainly hasn’t.

In addition, we should also note that American funding of the global initiative to eradicate HIV/AIDS the initiative by George W. Bush. He founded the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) in 2003. In a Black Swan moment, a conservative who claimed to be compassionate actually did something compassionate. Won’t you bet something like that will happen again?

Here is another number that Greene definitely does not know. The USA spends Over $5 billion a year is spent on funding Congress. That means American taxpayers spend over $9.3 million per congressman annually. For that amount of money we get people like this miserable human being who spout inhumane nonsense.

I want my money back.