
Biden is asked to withdraw his campaign visit to the Hamptons

Biden is asked to withdraw his campaign visit to the Hamptons

president Joe Biden He met with campaign advisers at two fundraisers in the Hamptons on Saturday, CNN reported. His motorcade was confronted with calls for him to drop out of the campaign, and a group of people held up signs as the motorcade drove by, pool reports said.

Biden has faced constant disputes within his own party since Thursday’s CNN debate Donald TrumpMany in the party and in the left-wing media are calling for his resignation, including the New York Times Editor and long-time democratic strategist James Carvillewho said that Biden would “not” be the nominee.

WashingtonPost reporter Tyler Pager reported for the Pool on Saturday that as the motorcade drove from stop to stop in the Hamptons, it passed “a group of people” holding signs asking him to leave the race.

Among the signs reported were those with slogans such as “Please get out for the USA,” “Thank you, next,” “Stand down for democracy,” and “We love you, but it’s time.”

UPDATE: Photos are now

posted on social media, showing some of the signs.

CNN’s Ariette Saenzalso reported in her report for the CNN Newsroom with Fredricka Whitfield on Saturday that the president held a “campaign meeting with his co-chair,” while the DNC held a separate strategy meeting that was added to the schedule in light of the aftermath of Friday’s debate.

According to some participants, the call did not allow for a question-and-answer session and the Zoom chat function was disabled. Despite growing discontent among many leading Democratic pundits and strategists, the call ended without any breaking news or reports of a change in Democrats’ strategy or focus in 2024 or specifically with regard to the presidential campaign. And, CNN reported, fears are growing among top Democratic donors about whether Biden can do the job and beat Trump in November.

Watch the clip above on CNN.
