
Israeli security official reveals weapon that could be used against Iran – Defense News

Israeli security official reveals weapon that could be used against Iran – Defense News

Yair Katz, chairman of the Israeli Aerospace Industry Workers Council, said at an event in the town of Yehud-Monosson on Saturday that Israel has a weapon with which it can fight Iran. Maariv reported.

“If we understand that there is an existential threat here and that Iran, Yemen, Syria, Iraq and all the countries in the Middle East decide that it is time to turn against us, then I understand that we have the capabilities to use doomsday weapons,” he said.

Katz also stressed: “The Americans, the British and the Germans support us with intelligence information. They inform us about events that could endanger us.”

Referring to the Iranian attack, he said: “Our engineers and workers have been preparing for this scenario for several weeks. On the same Saturday when we received the information that Iran had launched an attack, a large proportion of our workers simply went to sleep. The greatest achievement of the aerospace industry is that we were all able to wake up to a normal morning.”

“I will never forget the words of the CEO of the aerospace industry at 3 a.m. after we realized that we had successfully survived the unprecedented Iranian attack,” he said. “I have worked for thirty years to see this night, and we are happy that we saved the State of Israel,” he added.

A ballistic missile lies on the shore of the Dead Sea after Iran fired drones and missiles at Israel, April 14, 2024. (Source: REUTERS/Alon Ben Mordechai)

Open threats against Israel

These statements came a day after the Islamic Republic of Iran’s envoy to the United Nations commented on recent tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, posting on X (formerly Twitter) that “if Israel attacks Lebanon with a full-scale military aggression, it will be a devastating war.”

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah thanked Iran for its support. “We see the achievements of our martyrs and what their blood has achieved every day,” he said. “We must understand the magnitude of the victories we have achieved so far and accumulated over decades, especially since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. What is happening in Gaza and occupied Palestine is hunger, siege and genocide.”