
Letter: A just war that has become unjust

Letter: A just war that has become unjust

From William Hibler

Updated: 3 Hours ago Published: 3 Hours ago

In his new book, Chasing Hope, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof succinctly describes the unfolding Gaza war as “a just war turned unjust.” Kristof goes on to note that Joe Biden’s unwillingness to use the levers at his disposal to end the war will be a major “stain” on his presidency.

A similar view was expressed by Israeli Alon Pinkas in a June 13 Haaretz commentary titled “What realistic and feasible policy options are available to US President Joe Biden to resolve the conflict after eight months of pursuing a policy that has proven to be a failure?”

Pinkas echoed Kristof’s sentiments, saying: “Biden, whose foreign policy … and skillful dealings with Russia … were exemplary … may be remembered today for a war in Gaza that exceeded all worst-case expectations.”

Meanwhile, many Democrats in Alaska, myself included, are reluctantly planning to vote for Biden because the alternative would be worse. In particular, Donald Trump, who Benjamin Netanyahu hopes will win, if elected would likely give Netanyahu’s extremist ministers Ben-Gvir and Smoltrich everything they want when it comes to bombing Gaza to rubble.

In addition, as he repeatedly stresses, Trump will of course give Putin the green light to take as much of Ukraine as he wishes.

— William Hibler


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