
WestJet mechanics strike already impacts Halifax flight schedule

WestJet mechanics strike already impacts Halifax flight schedule

A strike by mechanics at Calgary-based WestJet has begun to disrupt the airline’s operations in Halifax over the busy Canada Day weekend.

Tiffany Chase, spokeswoman for Halifax Stanfield International Airport, said travellers booked with WestJet for this weekend and in the coming days should check the airline for flight updates.

Chase said the airline has indicated it will use the email address associated with the booking to notify customers of any changes to their flights.

The airline operates an average of 24 flights a day from Halifax, Chase said Saturday.

“If all flight operations could not continue, up to 4,000 travelers directly at Halifax Stanfield Airport would be affected,” she said. “However, we are not currently seeing all flights being cancelled.”

WestJet mechanics decided to strike on Friday, a day after Labour Minister Seamus O’Regan ordered the Canada Industrial Relations Board to initiate binding arbitration to resolve outstanding issues in the collective bargaining agreement between the airline and the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association.

The union said that around 680 workers are on strike.

WestJet responded to the union’s strike on Friday by saying it was “outraged.”

The airline announced in a press release on Saturday that it was canceling 235 flights from its daily schedule, affecting around 33,000 travelers.