
IDF announces death of soldiers Yair Avitan and Yakir Shmuel Tatelbaum

IDF announces death of soldiers Yair Avitan and Yakir Shmuel Tatelbaum

Staff Sergeant Yair Avitan and Sergeant Major (Res.) Yakir Shmuel Tatelbaum were killed in fighting in the Gaza Strip on Friday, the IDF announced on Saturday evening.

Avitan, 20, from Ra’anana, served in the 890th Battalion of the Parachute Brigade.

The sergeant major fell in battle in Shejaia.

Tatelbaum, 21, from Ma’ale Adumim, served in the 77th Battalion of the 7th Brigade.

Tatelbaum was killed in fighting in northern Gaza.

IDF troops operate in the Gaza Strip. June 26, 2024. (Source: IDF SPEAKERS UNIT)

Both families have been notified.

Pay tribute

Avitan’s father paid tribute to him on Facebook.

“Our family has been struck by a serious disaster. Our beloved Yair fell in battle yesterday and died a hero’s death. Our hearts are broken,” wrote Avitan’s father.

During the fighting on Friday, several incidents occurred between IDF soldiers and Hamas terrorists. Maariv reported.

In the first incident, a paratrooper unit encountered terrorists in a building. During the battle, Avitan was shot at close range. A military doctor accompanying the unit eventually declared him dead.

At the same time, Tatelbaum was killed by sniper fire in another incident in the north of the Gaza Strip.

Communities mourn the victims

Ra’anana Mayor Chaim Broyde mourned the death of Avitan, a resident of the city.

“Our hearts break as we learn of the passing of Staff Sergeant Yair Avitan, blessed be his memory, a son of our city, a salt of the earth, who sacrificed his life for the security of the nation. The community of Ra’anana shares the grief of the Avitan family and stands by and supports them during this difficult time,” Broyde said.

Avitan graduated from the Ariel School in Mitrim and the Amit Science and Technology High School in Kfar Bituach, Ra’anana. He leaves behind his parents Einat and Maimon, and three younger siblings.

Daniel Barry, principal of Amit Eitan High School in Ma’ale Adumim, where Tatelbaum attended, said the entire Amit Eitan community is mourning his death. Walla reported.

“Yakir chose to attend a pre-military training school to prepare for an important service as a soldier to contribute and protect the country,” Barry said of his former student. “Unfortunately, he was killed in the line of duty. We wish to offer support to his family and many friends in their terrible tragedy.”

Eitan Tzarum, Tatelbaum’s former teacher, said this underscores the severity of the loss.

“He was an outstanding student who loved to learn and deepen his knowledge, a boy who made no concessions to himself,” Tzarum said. “The loss is great and the grief is unfathomable.”