
You selected what I read. Here is what I think.

You selected what I read. Here is what I think.

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Cover of “A Sweet Sting of Salt”Cover of “A Sweet Sting of Salt”

In May, I asked you to choose the queer books I should read next from my TBR list, and the winner was A Sweet Sting of Salt by Rose Sutherland. Unfortunately, my library order took weeks to arrive, so I didn’t get to read it until about a week ago. Here’s what I imagined it would look like before reading it:

I’ve talked about it several times in the newsletter because it’s one of the releases I’m most looking forward to this year. Mainly because I can’t resist a lesbian selkie story and they’re so rare! For some reason I haven’t read this one yet though. It seems a bit darker and moodier than some of the other options, but the water element keeps it in the spring reading for me.

Now that I’ve finally ordered it from the library and finished it, here are my thoughts.

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