
The director of “Jurassic World” was upset about a harsh reality regarding Chris Pratt

The director of “Jurassic World” was upset about a harsh reality regarding Chris Pratt

Chris Pratt, the sparkling star of blockbuster hits like Protector of the Galaxy And Jurassic Worldis about to become a father again. Yes, you heard right – his wife Katherine Schwarzenegger has another child in the house, which increases the joy in the clan even more!

But did you know that this shining star had previously struggled with the fog of public perception, with his name bizarrely being thrown around as “worst Chris” – a social media debacle that attracted unexpected attention?

Chris Pratt is on cloud nine because he is expecting his fourth child.
Chris Pratt as Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 | Marvel Studios

As a 2022 Men’s Health profile dives deep into the actor’s likability and directors Colin Trevorrow and James Gunn ponder the true nature of our Star-Lord, we’re forced to look beyond those headlines.

What Really Happened: Chris Pratt’s Side of the Story

This is the entertainment industry where every move is scrutinized and every word analyzed; being labeled “worst Chris” is a bitter pill to swallow. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s son-in-law Chris Pratt has also been at the center of controversy, with social media users criticizing his every move.

Pratt, who is expecting his fourth child soon (see TMZ), has found himself in the crossfire of public opinion before, with his actions and motives questioned at every turn (see EW).

In a 2022 interview with Men’s Health, Pratt spoke openly about the negative reactions he faced after being accused of disparaging his ex-wife Anna Faris and their child.

Chris Pratt was previously called the “worst Chris” and criticized by the public
Chris Pratt in Jurassic World | Universal Images

The particular incident that shook Pratt was when he posted a heartfelt tribute (via Instagram) on his wife Katherine Schwarzenegger’s birthday in 2020, thanking her for her “beautiful, healthy daughter”. Although the statement seemed innocent enough, some saw it as Faris insulting his son. Pratt recalled (via Men’s Health):

I said something like, “Find someone who will look at you the way my wife looks at me.” And then I blew her away and said, “But I love you. I’m so grateful to my wife – she gave me a beautiful, healthy daughter.” And then a lot of articles came out saying, “This is so embarrassing.”

The backlash was not long in coming and people accused Pratt of being callous and insensitive. This really confused the actor, who explained:

I can’t believe Chris Pratt would thank her for a healthy daughter when his first child was born prematurely. This is such a dig at his ex-wife.’ And I’m like, ‘This sucks. My son is going to read this one day. He’s nine. And it’s set in digital stone. It really pissed me off, dude. I cried about it.

Pritt is a “sensitive person“ and known for his sociable nature, was shaken by the experience and “cried“, aware that even the most well-intentioned gestures can be misunderstood in the glare of publicity.

These directors broke their silence to defend Chris Pratt’s honor

In the 2022 Men's Health profile, directors Colin Trevorrow and James Gunn discussed the unjust criticism Pratt has faced.
Chris Pratt in Jurassic World | Universal Images

Chris Pratt’s directors, who have experienced his kindness and compassion firsthand, immediately defended the actor. James Gunn, who worked with Pratt on the film, Protector of the Galaxy Movies, spoke out against the unfair treatment, noting that the latter is a devoted father and a generous soul who does everything he can to help others. The director said (via Men’s Health):

It absolutely infuriates me. Chris is incredibly kind to people; he goes out of his way to help children. He’s an especially loving father. And there are a lot of things that people have literally made up about him – about his politics, about who he is, about what he believes about other people, you know?

Colin Trevorrow, the director of Jurassic Worldalso expressed his support for Pratt and lamented the culture of condemnation that prevails on social media. “I don’t know why we treat each other like this,” he mused, highlighting the destructive power of online criticism and the toll it can take on its victims.

Whatever the case, as Pratt continues to navigate the ups and downs of fame and fatherhood, he is a testament to resilience and grace under pressure. And with the wisdom of Arnold Schwarzenegger as a loving grandfather, Pratt’s fourth child is the newest addition and will write another chapter of love and joy in their family story.

You can also stream Jurassic World on Netflix.