
West Nile virus detected in mosquitoes in St. Clair County – The Voice

West Nile virus detected in mosquitoes in St. Clair County – The Voice

West Nile virus has been detected in mosquitoes in St. Clair County. (Courtesy of CDC)

West Nile virus has been detected in mosquitoes in St. Clair County, health officials said Friday.

The St. Clair County Health Department conducts seasonal surveillance for mosquito-borne diseases. Recently, evidence of West Nile virus was detected during routine sampling by the Environmental Health Division. The division tests mosquito pools collected throughout the county for disease. No human cases have been reported.

WNV is transmitted to humans through the bites of infected mosquitoes. About 1 in 5 infected people develop symptoms such as headache, body aches, joint pain, and fatigue. In rare cases, WNV can lead to severe neurological complications and death, especially in older adults and people with weakened immune systems.

“One bite from an infected mosquito is enough to cause illness,” said Alicia Hawkins, environmental hygienist with the St. Clair County Health Department, in a news release. “There is no vaccine or cure for WNV, so the best way to prevent mosquito-borne disease is to avoid mosquito bites.”

Recommended preventive measures are:

• Apply insect repellent containing DEET or other EPA-approved products to exposed skin or clothing. Always follow the manufacturer’s directions for use.

• Wear light-colored, long-sleeved shirts and long pants when outdoors. Apply insect repellent to your clothing to prevent insect bites.

• Make sure there are window and door screens to keep mosquitoes out.

• Empty water from mosquito breeding grounds around the house, such as buckets, unused kiddie pools, old tires, and other water-containing containers where mosquitoes can lay eggs.

For more information, visit or call the Department of Environmental Health at 810-987-5306.

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