
Pabloite NPA supports pro-war New Popular Front in early elections in France

Pabloite NPA supports pro-war New Popular Front in early elections in France

By joining the New Popular Front, formed by Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s La France Inconcès party and the pro-business Socialist Party (PS) after President Emmanuel Macron called new elections for July 7, the New Anticapitalist Party (NPA) has once again exposed itself as a tool of imperialism, pushing workers into the political trap set by Mélenchon and former PS President François Hollande to intensify the war against Russia abroad and the class struggle at home.

Jean-Luc Melenchon comments on the preliminary results of the first round of the presidential election in Paris, France, Sunday, April 10, 2022. (AP Photo/Michel Spingler)

The NPA justifies its support for this alliance by saying that it will strengthen the unity of the left against the threat of a takeover by the neo-fascist Rassemblement National (RN). The RN now enjoys growing support in the ruling class, particularly in the Republicans (LR) faction led by Eric Ciotti, which is calling for alliances with the RN. The NPA explains:

“At a time when the RN and its allies are in a position to take power, the Popular Front gives hope to the social and political left, against neoliberal reforms, for the anti-racist, ecological, feminist and LGBTI struggle and for all movements for equality. …
“Victory against the extreme right and Macron is only possible under the condition of a broad mobilization of the population, especially in workplaces, in popular neighborhoods and among young people. The trade union movement, the environmental struggles, the feminist movement, the solidarity movement with Palestine, the decolonial and anti-racist struggles must deeply nourish the program of the Popular Front. They must represent its living force.”

But the New Popular Front is not a great hope for the left. By supporting it, the NPA is participating in the right-wing restructuring of the ruling establishment that Macron wants to implement with the new elections. Macron called his new elections for July 7, shortly after British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called new elections for July 4, in order to prepare the ruling establishment for a massive escalation of the war against Russia and the class struggle at home.

The newly elected governments of Britain and France will send representatives to the NATO summit in Washington on July 9, which is preparing to send troops to Ukraine for war against Russia – a policy that Macron has repeatedly advocated. NATO’s war calendar effectively dictates the electoral calendar in France and Britain, as well as the political maneuvers of the NPA.

The NPA’s claim that the New Popular Front is fed by anti-colonial struggles is a political lie. It is an alliance with forces like Hollande, an unashamed enemy of the working class who brutally suppressed social protests at home and waged neo-colonial wars from Syria to Mali. The New Popular Front’s program includes building up the French military police and intelligence service and sending troops to Ukraine, supposedly as “peacekeepers.”