
How Saturn retrograde in Pisces affects love horoscopes on June 29, 2024

How Saturn retrograde in Pisces affects love horoscopes on June 29, 2024

Just because it feels like you are being asked to pause or even wait to receive the love you want doesn’t mean it isn’t meant for you. Often there are karmic lessons to be learned, soul growth that needs to happen, or even self-confidence that needs to be embodied before a relationship can progress or even a new love is attracted. In these moments, it’s important to remember that nothing is impossible; it’s just about making space for divine timing.

When Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces on Saturday, June 29, you’re asked to take a period of introspection to understand the lessons and purpose of this transit. Saturn retrograde doesn’t bring blockages per se, but rather allows you to figure out how to do what you want most – you just have to commit to the process and trust that love makes it all possible.

See how Saturn retrograde in Pisces affects the love horoscope for each zodiac sign on July 29, 2024.


Take time for yourself now, dear Aries. You need to process everything you’ve been through before officially starting something new. Without fear that this time will jeopardize your new love, you can focus your energy on healing the hurts and wounds of your past romantic relationship.

You have to understand that any challenges you are experiencing are simply because you need time to heal. And there is no rule that says you can’t heal and start a new relationship as long as you take it slow.

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Take time to understand the difference between what you want for your romantic relationship and the conditioning you have experienced around love. This can be as simple as the relationships you experienced in childhood or even the ones that currently surround you.

But to become the version of yourself that can consciously choose the love that’s right for you, you need to make sure you’ve thought about how your beliefs influence your choices. When you do that, you’ll learn that love can really be simple.

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You need to make room for several areas of your life, Gemini. Your personal dreams are important, but so is being there for your partner. Try to think about what you prioritize during this time and how you can achieve better balance in your life.

This can also mean recognizing the difference between your long-term goals and momentary pleasures. During this stage of your life, you need to focus on the long-term goal and make sure you are really putting energy into whatever matters most to you.

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It’s natural to have regrets sometimes, Cancer. Not only for the life paths you didn’t take, but also for the love you turned down in the past. But you have to embrace those regrets in order to make different choices and learn what held you back.

Don’t let it become something that weighs you down, but accept that you will make different choices in this moment. This way, you can be confident that you can start a brand new chapter in love.

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It’s time to ask yourself what you really want, Leo. Not what’s easy or what might look good, but what you really want in your soul for your life and your relationship.

There may still be some fear in your energy to do what you want, but you must understand that every challenge is only there to help you finally make the choice that is meant for you. Embrace change during this time and the inner strength to love who you love and pursue what you want.

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You may need to face some karmic lessons in love, Virgo. Karmic lessons in love are about repeating patterns from your childhood or even feeling like you’re constantly running into the same problems.

But to have the love you truly dream of, you must embrace this time of lessons, take responsibility, and muster the strength to make the choices necessary for your future happiness. Try to be brave, Virgo, and let yourself finally see the truth.

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You need to be careful about the decisions you make now, Libra. Although you have the best intentions, you neglect yourself.

Boundaries may be difficult for you simply because the person you love has their own feelings about what you need to do for yourself. But in this case, you are encouraged to be more firm and consistent with your boundaries and finally start putting yourself first. If your partner doesn’t like that, this may be the realization you need to finally move on.

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You may be reflecting on many childhood wounds today, Scorpio, as you realize you haven’t always made the right choices for yourself. Romance, marriage, and even happiness are all topics you’re allowed to address like any other, but to actually attract what you want, you need to make sure you’ve healed the parts of yourself that have been less accepting. Look at similar patterns in your relationship that you experienced in childhood, and be brave enough to end anything that doesn’t live up to your worth.

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While you’re searching for the kind of commitment and love you want for yourself, you haven’t let your partner in on this part of your journey. Your partner thinks everything is fine while you’re wondering if this is the relationship you want to have for the rest of your life. But regardless of where this relationship goes, you need to start being more honest with your partner and wait to make big moves, like buying a house together, until you feel more secure.

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To change your relationship for the better, Capricorn, you need to change the way you communicate. Instead of focusing solely on the goals you have for your relationship, you need to allow more space for your emotional process. Let go of logic during this time and instead allow yourself to feel more in your heart and speak from a more emotional space, as this energy will help you overcome the recent obstacles in your romantic relationship.

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You deserve to feel valued in your romantic relationship, dear Aquarius. This means that you feel like your partner values ​​your presence and that you are a priority in their life, especially when it comes to making decisions. The problem, however, is that you may not have felt that way lately.

Even if you are not responsible for this person’s choices, you need to start treating yourself the way you deserve. Make more choices that make you happy and honor your worth, and trust that if this person is truly meant for your life, they will try to be there for you.

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You can’t work to get the love you want, Pisces. You can focus on your growth and healing and finding vulnerability and courage. But no matter what you do or how much energy you put into a relationship, you can’t earn what you want. Instead, it’s about making love work for you and learning the art of mutual energy.

Your relationship shouldn’t be about games, but you might want to take a step back and see what happens when you don’t call or text all the time. By doing so, you’ll set a new precedent for the kind of love you want to receive.

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Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologer, intuitive relationship and life coach and curator of tailor-made retreats.