
After the vitriol towards Yasuke from Assassin’s Creed Shadow, the CEO of Ubisoft denounces “acts of hatred” towards developers

After the vitriol towards Yasuke from Assassin’s Creed Shadow, the CEO of Ubisoft denounces “acts of hatred” towards developers

Following the heavy criticism of Assassin’s Creed Shadows in recent weeks, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has denounced the “malicious and personal online attacks” against the publisher’s developers.

First, let’s rewind Animus-style to catch up. Since the early days of the series, fans of Assassin’s Creed have been clamoring for a stealth stabathon set entirely in feudal Japan, and this year’s Assassin’s Creed Shadows finally delivers just that. But what should have been an undeniably exciting release for AC fans has been somewhat marred by the backlash surrounding one of the game’s two protagonists, history’s first black samurai, Yasuke.