
Chris Cuomo calls the 2024 presidential debate a “disgrace”

Chris Cuomo calls the 2024 presidential debate a “disgrace”

The Presidential debate 2024 has done little to allay fear among Americans. President Joe Biden81, fell silent and seemed to forget what he had said several times, and the former president Donald Trump78, repeated false statements in his defense.

Followed CNNDuring the live coverage of the 90-minute event, numerous politicians, including NewsNation’s Chris Cuomoexpressed their views on the debate.

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What happened between Joe Biden and Donald Trump?

President Biden speaks about preserving and protecting our democracy

At the start of the 2024 presidential debate, Joe Biden appeared to stutter as he began, “I want to make sure that every single person is entitled to what I was able to do in terms of COVID, excuse me, with, uh, with dealing with everything that we had to deal with” – but then paused for a moment.

A few seconds later, he finally said, “Look, we finally beat Medicare.”

Trump then attacked the president, saying: “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said.”

The former president later added, “Well, he’s right. He actually defeated Medicare. He beat it to death and he’s destroying Medicare because he’s putting all these people coming in on Medicare.”

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Chris Cuomo comments on the 2024 presidential debate

Chris Cuomo smiles in a black tuxedo

“The bar is so low that I hope everyone at home watching this feels the same way,” Cuomo said. “They saw a sick man and at the same time a man who is arguably a bad person on stage, and I really hope the bottom line is a clear ‘We have to do better.'”

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“These two men are a disgrace to the United States of America. This debate was a disgrace,” he added. “I really felt sorry for the moderators. I don’t even know what else I could have said. They didn’t make any sense, and neither did Trump. When he doesn’t make things up, he makes it worse. He didn’t say a single positive word about the United States of America, other than he was great all night.”

“And Biden is clearly past it,” he concluded.

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Do Americans agree with Chris Cuomo?

Chris Cuomo smiles in a black tuxedo

The video received over 21,000 comments, with several Americans expressing concerns about the two presidential candidates.

“I completely agree with you. But I’m still voting for Biden,” someone admitted. “Not the ideal choice, but it’s safer for our democracy.”

“Whatever people say, Biden remained factual about what he did,” claimed another. “Trump dodged questions.”

For those who didn’t tune in, Biden faltered several times during the debate and the former president made inaccurate statements on certain topics.

Americans are ‘afraid’ for the country after the 2024 presidential debate

President Biden speaks about preserving and protecting our democracy

Hundreds more joined the room after watching the debate, expressing their fear for the future of the United States.

“This whole thing has been just depressing!!! There is no bar!!! I am terribly afraid for our country,” one person said.

“I don’t like (Cuomo) but I agree with this. Very embarrassing, I keep wondering how we got here,” asked another.

A third said: “We have to start again from scratch and put forward new candidates.”

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Other politicians join the debate

US President Donald J. Trump officially accepts the Republican nomination for the 2020 presidential election

Chris Cuomo was not the only one to comment on the 2024 presidential debate on Thursday.

Symone Sanders, a former aide to Vice President Kamala Harris, addressed the claims that Joe Biden should resign after his troubling performance. “People who are facts, if Joe Biden wanted to resign, he would have done so a long time ago,” she said, according to The New York Times“That’s not my opinion, those are literally the facts. So no, he’s not going to resign tomorrow morning.”

“He is the nominee and I suspect a number of Democrats will be defending him in the coming days,” she added.

California Governor Gavin Newsom also spoke out, stressing that he would “never turn his back on President Biden’s record” and that he “does not know any Democrat in his party who would do so, especially after tonight.”

Thursday’s debate isn’t the only time Americans will see Biden and Trump face off. ABC News will air the second debate on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 9 p.m. ET.