
Why every entrepreneur should write a book

Why every entrepreneur should write a book

Not only does writing your first book make you an authoritative voice on a subject, but it also opens up many more opportunities. Depending on when you’re reading this, I’m in the process of publishing (or have just published) my third book, and not only do I enjoy writing them, but they’ve generated a lot of interest.

After my first book, I was offered a column in a trade magazine, two TEDx talks and an ambassador role for a national charity. I made a podcast series out of the video interviews from my second book, which still gets regular downloads. Both books sold in bulk, either individually or with talks, and I hope my new book works its own book magic!

You don’t need to sign a book deal with a publisher or spend a ton of money on publishing. One of my friends wrote a book in a weekend and uploaded it to Amazon himself. He has a solid following on LinkedIn, and it sold tons and got over 200 reviews!

Plan your book

The prospect of writing a book can be a little daunting. Although many people want to write a book, most never get around to achieving that goal. It’s easier than you think, and there are people and companies that can help you if you really don’t know where to start.

Some people find it helpful to brainstorm topics around their idea and then write mini-articles on each one. For each of my books, I came up with a working title and then topics that I grouped into sections to create a framework for starting. The average business book is between 30,000 and 40,000 words. I find that around 36,000 words is the optimum. Any less and the book will seem a little thin, any more and it will be expensive to print.

Stick to a schedule

Some people like to write early in the morning or late at night. I have friends who have gone away to a country house for a week. Whatever works for you, do it and stick to it. I find that having a deadline for publishing the book is effective because you then work backwards to identify key milestones.

It’s a good idea to allow time for cover design, copy editing, proofreading, and formatting. If you’re doing these parts yourself, don’t underestimate how long each step takes! I like to give my first draft to beta readers so they can test it and see what resonates and what doesn’t.

To be published

You have several options when publishing your book.

You can contact a traditional publisher and pitch them the idea of ​​your book (you can find guides online that show you what to include). The publisher is likely impressed by the size of your audience and wants to see how engaged they are; if you have a solid following, highlight those numbers in your pitch. Without a solid following, you’ll likely find the traditional approach difficult. The advantage of working with a traditional publisher is the reputation and marketing efforts they’re likely to undertake.

At the other end of the scale, you can publish yourself. This method has the advantage of being fast, giving you full control over the content, and allowing you to keep all the profits. The disadvantage could be the quality, and you may still want to get assistance with cover design and at least one proofreading. Your book represents your brand, so you don’t want poor quality.

There is a middle option of working with a Hybrid Publishing. This comes at a cost, either a one-off fee or a fee plus a percentage of future royalties – so read the terms to understand the full commitment. The benefits of this approach are that you end up with a high-quality book that you can be proud of, that retains much of your original content and moves quickly from idea to bookshelf.

For my first two books, I worked with a hybrid publisher that charged a fee and kept a percentage of the royalties. My next book, we published through Moja Publishing, a professional option with a one-time fee.

Advertising your book

If you are self-publishing or hybrid publishing, you will need to take promotion into your own hands. You could hire an agency to do it for you. If you decide to take it into your own hands, I would recommend that you include the following in your strategy:

  • At least one book launch party
  • A book tour
  • A PR plan for the local and national press
  • Approaching relevant podcasts for a guest appearance to coincide with the release date
  • A social media plan
  • An Amazon bestseller campaign

Send copies to influential people you know, as they will likely post on their social media and tag you. You can time this to coincide with your launch activity for maximum impact.

The benefits of a book should last for years. You can send it to potential clients or take it with you to your speaking engagements. Get creative and let me know if you come up with ideas I haven’t thought of yet!

From unknown to unforgettable: How to build a personal brand that goes beyond your biography

Inspired by Sophie Milliken’s successful podcast “Beyond the Bio,” this book gives you clear strategies that you can implement immediately to enhance your personal brand, and also includes numerous “action” activities.

E-book can now be pre-ordered.

Paperback and Audible available from 17th August 2024.
