
Iranian oil and gas workers strike expands: 20,000 workers, 110 companies

Iranian oil and gas workers strike expands: 20,000 workers, 110 companies

A nationwide strike by contract workers in Iran’s oil and gas industry that began last week has now spread to over 110 companies and involves more than 20,000 workers.

The strike was launched by the unofficial council for organizing the protests of oil contract workers and began on June 19. The workers are demanding the dismissal of middlemen, wage increases, a 14-day work-14-day work schedule, improved dormitories and increased security measures. The council warned that the strikes would intensify if these demands were not met.

Last week, the strike included 8,000 contract workers in the oil industry from over 60 contract companies.

The number of strikers has now reached 20,000 and the protest action is rapidly gaining momentum.

These protests are part of a wave of labor unrest in Iran over delayed wage payments, low wages and layoffs that have caused temporary disruptions in many industries since 2018.

Over the past decade, many parts of the oil and gas industry have been outsourced to influential regime insiders who act as middlemen, underpaying workers and forcing them to work in harsh conditions. Traditionally, oil workers in Iran enjoyed the best salaries and benefits.