
That’s why a club sandwich is called a club sandwich

That’s why a club sandwich is called a club sandwich

In recent years, you may have read online that a club sandwich is called that because it is actually an acronym for “chicken and lettuce under bacon.” However, this was already debunked by the fact-checkers at Snopes in September 2022.

This conclusion is understandable considering that another popular sandwich, the BLT Is an acronym for bacon, lettuce and tomato, but the club sandwich probably originated in a real club.

Where does the name club sandwich come from?

The first mention of the name actually dates back to November 1889, when the New York Evening World asked, “Have you ever tried a Union Club sandwich?”

It went on to say that the sandwich consists of “two slices of graham bread, with a layer of turkey or chicken and ham in between, served warm.”

This evolved into something similar to what we know today as a sandwich. According to The Sandwich Tribunal, one of the first published recipes for the sandwich was found in an 1894 book simply called “Sandwiches.”

In this book, author Sarah Tyson Rorer recommends that the sandwich should consist of a thin layer of fried ham or bacon, a thin slice of pickle, a thin slice of cold fried chicken or turkey on top, and a lettuce leaf in the middle with a teaspoon of mayonnaise dressing on top.

Finally, place another slice of buttered toast on top before pressing both together and cutting from one corner to the other to create two large triangles.

So not an acronym, but definitely a sandwich with a lot of history.

I know what fancy sandwich I want for lunch today.
